Geofysisk institutt (@geofysen) 's Twitter Profile
Geofysisk institutt


Geofysisk institutt, UiB

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link calendar_today18-09-2017 07:16:39

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Prof. Elin Darelius (@dareliuselin) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Drillsite #2 at #Fimbul in the making! This time we'll be drilling through 408 m of ice into a 2km wide & 70 m deep subglacial channel. We can actually see the surface expression of the channel around us - the ice shelf is not flat!

Drillsite #2 at #Fimbul in the making! This time we'll be drilling through 408 m of ice  into a 2km wide & 70 m deep subglacial channel. We can actually see the surface expression of the channel around us - the ice shelf is not flat!
TRIATLAS Project H2020 (@triatlasproject) 's Twitter Profile Photo

‘We talk a lot about the climate emergency, but the ecosystem emergency is just as important,’ says TRIATLAS coordinator and professor at Geofysisk institutt and Bjerknessenteret, Noel Keenlyside, in this interview. He urges policymakers to pursue an Atlantic scientific network.

Prof. Elin Darelius (@dareliuselin) 's Twitter Profile Photo

On drill-watch at #Fimbul: checking fuel levels for generators and heaters every twenty minutes... and doing my best to keep warm and awake the rest of the time!

On drill-watch at #Fimbul: checking fuel levels for generators and heaters every twenty minutes... and doing my best to keep warm and awake the rest of the time!
Prof. Elin Darelius (@dareliuselin) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Pool party at 70S! Science at #Fimbul is finished and so are we... Relaxing a little in the "flubber" before we attack the packing!

Pool party at 70S! Science at #Fimbul is finished and so are we... Relaxing a little in the "flubber" before we attack the packing!
Laura Dietrich (@l_j_dietrich) 's Twitter Profile Photo

📣 Check out our new paper on the contribution of vapor fluxes to the surface mass balance of the Greenland Ice Sheet! 🧵(1/4)🧐… Bjerknessenteret Geofysisk institutt EastGRIP Camp The Cryosphere

Helge Drange (@helgedrange) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Ikke solen: Sammenligning mellom global temperaturendring (røde kurver), endring av varmevirkning av CO2 (blå kurver) og solaktivitet (gul-brune kurver). T-data fra Met Office, CO2-data fra NOAA, solflekkdata fra #SIDC.

Ikke solen: Sammenligning mellom global temperaturendring (røde kurver), endring av varmevirkning av CO2 (blå kurver) og solaktivitet (gul-brune kurver). T-data fra <a href="/metoffice/">Met Office</a>, CO2-data fra <a href="/NOAAClimate/">NOAA</a>, solflekkdata fra #SIDC.
Geofysisk institutt (@geofysen) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Bruk av autonome undervassfartøy i havet rundt Svalbard til studiar av straumen av Atlanterhavsvatn inn i Nordishavet. Eivind Hugaas Kolås ved Geofysisk institutt Bjerknessenteret disputerer ved Universitetet i Bergen den 23/01. Lykke til frå oss på Geofysen, Eivind! The Nansen Legacy…

Harald Sodemann (@haraldsodemann) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Looking for a 3-year #PostDoc to join Geofysisk institutt Universitetet i Bergen #ISLAS_project #ISOSCAN to work at the interface between meteorology and hydrology. Use stable isotope models and data to study how Scandinavian mountains extract water from weather systems:

Tor Eldevik (@toreldevik) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Hvem eier vinden? Storfint på Universitetet i Bergen, Geofysisk institutt og Bergen Offshore Wind Centre (BOW) i går – dette og andre sentrale havvind-utfordringer var tema med Kronprinsen Det kongelige hoff , Statsforvalteren, Marit Warncke m.fl. på besøk. Gode diskusjoner med godt forberedt Kronprins.…

Prof. Elin Darelius (@dareliuselin) 's Twitter Profile Photo

The stagnant basinwater of Masfjorden can only be renewed if dense enough water reaches the sill and flows into the fjord - the students of Geofysisk institutt and RealfagUiB have deployed moorings in the fjord to learn more about this important process!

The stagnant basinwater of Masfjorden can only be renewed if dense enough water reaches the sill and flows into the fjord - the students of <a href="/Geofysen/">Geofysisk institutt</a> and <a href="/UiBmatnat/">RealfagUiB</a> have deployed moorings in the fjord to learn more about this important process!
Ashneel Chandra (@astrolink) 's Twitter Profile Photo

I am pleased to share my PhD publication: Processes Driving Subseasonal Variations of Upper Ocean Heat Content in the Equatorial Indian Ocean in JGR Oceans… Geofysisk institutt Universitetet i Bergen Bjerknessenteret

Universitetet i Bergen (@uib) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Fire forskere til UiB med Marie Curie-tildeling! De skal forske på tunfisk, ekstrem nedbør, gruvedrift på havbunnen og substansen myelin.… Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions UiB Samfunn Tor Eldevik RealfagUiB Med_UiB

Tor Eldevik (@toreldevik) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Class of 2023, hvor er de nå? Vær, hav og klimafysikk Geofysisk institutt RealfagUiB Universitetet i Bergen. Spennende utdanning og godt studentmiljø som gir spennende jobber. Matte, fysikk, koding og feltarbeid for å forstå og forutsi endringer i vær, havstrømmer og klima…