liedvogel lab (@genmig) 's Twitter Profile
liedvogel lab


What is the genetic basis of bird migration? 🐦 Director Institute of Avian Research | Prof Ornithology UOL | MPRG Behavioural Genomics MPI Evolutionary Biology

ID: 863459517778055169

link calendar_today13-05-2017 18:22:46

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EvolJLinnSoc (@evoljlinnsoc) 's Twitter Profile Photo

When does speciation start? Darwin-Wallace Medal winner Roger Butlin & Rui Faria discuss this in their perspective as part of our #SpecialIssue on #Speciation, available online now! 👇… The Linnean Society of London Oxford Journals José Cerca Luis Valente

When does speciation start? Darwin-Wallace Medal winner Roger Butlin & Rui Faria discuss this in their perspective as part of our #SpecialIssue on #Speciation, available online now! 👇…
<a href="/LinneanSociety/">The Linnean Society of London</a> <a href="/OxfordJournals/">Oxford Journals</a> <a href="/IslandGenomics/">José Cerca</a> <a href="/evo_island/">Luis Valente</a>
Michelle Wille (@duckswabber) 's Twitter Profile Photo

We are delighted to share with you that 11th International Symposium on Avian Influenza will be 24-25 June 2025 in St. John’s, Canada. We are looking forward to getting everyone together in one room to share their experiences and the latest science.

We are delighted to share with you that 11th International Symposium on Avian Influenza will be 24-25 June 2025 in St. John’s, Canada. We are looking forward to getting everyone together in one room to share their experiences and the latest science.
Cloé Hadjadji (@cloe_hadj) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Please RT 🚨 : 6/12 months internship at Vogelwarte_Science in our group, working on how IGF-1 IS shaping growth and life history trade-offs in our dear Alpine Swift! 🐦‍⬛🇨🇭 This work is part of my PhD for which i'm working on mitochondrial traits selection and heritability 🧬

Please RT 🚨 :

6/12 months internship at <a href="/Vogelwarte_scie/">Vogelwarte_Science</a> in our group, working on how IGF-1 IS shaping growth and life history trade-offs in our dear Alpine Swift! 🐦‍⬛🇨🇭

This work is part of my PhD for which i'm working on mitochondrial traits selection and heritability 🧬
SFB 1372 (@sfb_1372) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Together with illustrator Charlotte Hintzmann (, we developed an illustration project to increase the visibility of the female primary investigators of our SFB. Today we present the first #womeninscience: Miriam Liedvogel. Entire post at insta: SFB 1372

Together with illustrator Charlotte Hintzmann (, we developed an illustration project to increase the visibility of the female primary investigators of our SFB. Today we present the first #womeninscience: Miriam Liedvogel. Entire post at insta: <a href="/SFB_1372/">SFB 1372</a>
Sketching Science (@sketchscience) 's Twitter Profile Photo

It has been 10 years since I started doing Western blots in the lab. Wow, what a rollercoaster! Based on my successes and failures, here are some tips for perfect Western blots. A thread (1/5)…

It has been 10 years since I started doing Western blots in the lab. Wow, what a rollercoaster!
Based on my successes and failures, here are some tips for perfect Western blots. A thread (1/5)…
Mohamed Noor (@mafnoor) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Come work with us at Duke Biology ! Openings for ***Three*** Assistant Professors in Ecology, Evolution or Organismal Biology...

liedvogel lab (@genmig) 's Twitter Profile Photo

#outreach at its best: 4 full days, 40 kids (4-6th grade), all on one island and the topic was bird migration. we crafted, discovered, debated, wondered & made a podcast from kids for kids (currently edited, German only). exhausted but happy :) #kids4kids

#outreach at its best: 4 full days, 40 kids (4-6th grade), all on one island and the topic was bird migration. we crafted, discovered, debated, wondered &amp; made a podcast from kids for kids (currently edited, German only). exhausted but happy :) #kids4kids
BTO (@_bto) 's Twitter Profile Photo

We’re looking for two Trustees to join BTO from 2025 on an initial four year term. The vacancies are for one Regional Representative and one Safeguarding and Inclusion role. We'd love to hear from people who are passionate about contributing to BTO.➡️

We’re looking for two Trustees to join BTO from 2025 on an initial four year term. The vacancies are for one Regional Representative and one Safeguarding and Inclusion role. We'd love to hear from people who are passionate about contributing to BTO.➡️
DO-G (@dornitholges) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Miriam Liedvogel gave insights into her research on the #Migration of blackcaps. Migratory behaviour is genetically inherited and she investigated the migratory devide that occurs within Europe and how it changes over time. #ornithology

Miriam Liedvogel gave insights into her research on the #Migration of blackcaps. Migratory behaviour is genetically inherited and she investigated the migratory devide that occurs within Europe and how it changes over time.
Anna Schueth, PhD (she/her) (@schuethanna) 's Twitter Profile Photo

The Maastricht Young Academy is looking for 2 new members from #FSE and #FPN. Please help spread the word among colleagues and friends at Maastricht University (UM only). Apply until October 28, 2024! Maastricht Young Academy #MaastrichtUniversity

The Maastricht Young Academy is looking for 2 new members from #FSE and #FPN. Please help spread the word among colleagues and friends at <a href="/MaastrichtU/">Maastricht University</a> (UM only). Apply until October 28, 2024! 
<a href="/MaastrichtYA/">Maastricht Young Academy</a> #MaastrichtUniversity
Luisa F. Pallares (@lufpa) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Have you ever wondered whether modularity is the only driver of transcriptional network organization? Short answer, no! There are nuances to transcriptional networks, and together with diogro and Julien Ayroles we explored some methods to find them:…

Jonathan Pritchard (@jkpritch) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Two new chapters from my free online book in human genetics out this weekend! These complete Part 3 of the book, on human population structure and history: 3.3: Inferring human prehistory from genetic data [this thread] 3.4: Ancient DNA [next thread]…

Mason Fidino, PhD (@masonfidino) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Assistant professor in urban ecology position just opened up at University of Missouri. Someone come get this job and then come hang out with me and collaborate on urban wildlife ecology, statistics, etc.!…

Common Tern Project (@commonterns) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Do you have a love for stats and would you be keen on doing a PhD with the lovely Maria Moiron on eco-evolutionary dynamics in the terns, co-supervised by me? Then apply by 25/10/2024:…

Do you have a love for stats and would you be keen on doing a PhD with the lovely <a href="/MariaMoironn/">Maria Moiron</a> on eco-evolutionary dynamics in the terns, co-supervised by me? Then apply by 25/10/2024:…
Dr Jenny Dunn (@jennycdunn) 's Twitter Profile Photo

We're hiring!! Come and join our incredibly supportive and friendly department, on a fantastic campus for #ecologists :)…

Royal Institute of Navigation (@at_rin) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Incredible Journeys: A Glimpse of the Wonders of Animal Navigation with David Barrie is available to watch back at… #AnimalNavigation #IncredibleJourneys #MagneticNavigation #NaturalWorld

Visual Insect Neuroethology Group (@insectvision) 's Twitter Profile Photo

🚨We are welcoming applicants for an ERC-funded PhD project with the IMPRS-QBEE graduate program Universität Konstanz 🦋👀💡Are you (or someone you know) interested in visual neuroethology, dynamic light environments, and insects? Apply here:…

Mark Hibbins, Great Lakes Swashbuckler (@reject_resubmit) 's Twitter Profile Photo

I'm recruiting students / postdocs to join my new lab at the University of Rochester for Fall 2025 onwards! If you're interested in phylogenetic comparative methods, genome evolution, and/or computational biology, please get in touch! More info: