Awper for @XiESPORTGG
ID: 1353666465141043202
25-01-2021 11:30:32
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Vi Sashi Esport 🥩 acd. vinder vores første 3 officiel kampe sammen i Dust2 🇩🇰 1.div. Super flot performance af drengene. Jeg ser meget frem til de kommende sæsoner med det her lineup 😁. Da jeg føler kemien er for vild! Few G0op_csgo Emil Sall William "ReXx" Rex🦖🦖 Philippe 'Winspai' Mølgaard Ouabaid

It’s a stormy and cold day here in Denmark, and soon it’ll be a stormy and cold evening… what better excuse to skip your evening plans, stay indoors and watch our academy team play?! 😍 20:00 CET vs Zotix 21:00 CET vs Flares Esport As always, you can watch our matches and

Your afternoon plans have been decided: our academy team plays in 30 minutes! ⏰ 16:00 CET 🆚 Team Sampi 📺 twitch.tv/d0kt0r3n

Not even sure what to write in these captions anymore… the boys are simply OWNING everyone these days! 🤯 2-0 against Team Sampi NEXT and our academy boys are through to the upper bracket semi finals of United TwentyOne Div 2! 🙌 GGWP, team! #EatOrBeEaten 🥩

SÅDAN!! Vi skal spille mod Preasy Esport 🇩🇰 Rising på onsdag. Godt spillet af holdet! Few Emil Sall Andreas "Sukker" Storgaard William "ReXx" Rex🦖🦖 Philippe 'Winspai' Mølgaard Ouabaid Sashi Esport 🥩

3 sidste kampe vundet i dag af drengene✅ Første halvdel af sæsonen spillet med kun et loss✅ Overall meget tilfreds med vores performance og dedikation💪Så lad os fortsætte efter transfer! G0op_csgo William "ReXx" Rex🦖🦖 Emil Sall Andreas "Sukker" Storgaard Philippe 'Winspai' Mølgaard Ouabaid Sashi Esport 🥩 #EatOrBeEaten 🥩❤️

It’s time for a giveaway: Get your hands on a FREE Sashi Esport 🥩 jersey! 🎁 How to participate: - Follow us on X - Repost this tweet We will draw 3 winners on Thursday at 20:00 CEST! Winners will be announced here on X, and contacted via DMs to arrange for shipping.