Fernando Scazzuso
Jefe de Electrofisiología y Arritmias del Instituto Cardiovascular Buenos Aires. Ex presidente SADEC
ID: 863939205898141698
15-05-2017 02:08:52
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Here the link to our study examining the effect of first-line ablation vs AAD on AF progression. Thanks to AHA Science for welcoming me back to present the results, and to NEJM for the simultaneous publication. @CCI_CIC UBC Department of Medicine Canadian Heart Rhythm Society CCS nejm.org/doi/full/10.10…

Se ha publicado el Libro de Cardiología Crítica de SIAC ! Muy feliz de haber formado parte del capítulo de Taquiarritmias en Unidades Críticas! Felicitaciones a Fernando Scazzuso Domingo Luis Pozzer y muy especialmente a Adrian Baranchuk MD FACC FRCPC FCCS FSIAC quien me invitó a formar parte del proyecto! ICBA Instituto Cardiovascular

RIPPLE-VT Study: Multicentre, prospective evaluation of ventricular tachycardia substrate ablation by targeting scar channels to eliminate latest scar potentials without direct ablation Balrik Kailey heartrhythmjournal.com/article/S1547-…

Great energy! Let’s Go Argentina 🇦🇷 keep up the excelence in EP. Always a pleasure to visit old friends and make new ones. #EPeeps Thanks Vanessa Pittar | EP ABBOTT Leticia Baltazar Douglas G. Reis and Abbott CALA for the opportunity

Continuamos con nuestro curso de ICE esta semana Fernando Scazzuso 11 de julio 18:30. Ablación de TV en corazón sano!!!! #ice #vt #rf #biosense #abbott

Great images Eduardo Saad , the only way I do a PFA - ICE in LA for contact assessment and 3D mapping to show overlap. Will be showing a recorded case on July 24 evening on webinar transform-af.com/home . Consider registering if interested in tips and tricks for a fluroless

VT non-inducibility at PES is not a reliable procedural endpoint for high-risk patients with structural heart disease and VT Cleveland Clinic Heart, Vascular & Thoracic Jakub Sroubek Oussama Wazni Ayman Hussein MD Europace Editor-in-Chief academic.oup.com/europace/artic…

Se va nuestro Di María . Muchos éxitos en esta nueva etapa Emanuel Mendoza. A romperla Mariano Moscarelli

La sincronía AV es posible con dispositivos sin cables ! Esto es un gran avance tecnológico! Circulation ahajournals.org/doi/epdf/10.11…

Roderick Tung Beautiful case Roderick Roderick Tung with a very interesting anatomical substrate. The leftward extension of the Bachmann's bundle

Roderick Tung Have you heard about the EPIC trial Rod? We are learning so much from each case👇