FSCom (@fscom1) 's Twitter Profile


We are a boutique consultancy firm that provides compliance solutions to financial services institutions.

ID: 592671168

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In this final blog previewing The Dark Money Conference 2021, Director of fscom, and co-founder of The Dark Money Conference, Philip Creed outlines what to expect on Day 3 of the conference, Friday 17th September 2021. #fincrime #darkmoneyconf hubs.ly/H0Xg9Jl0

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fscom has supported many of our clients to produce their own wind-down plan and recently developed this guide to help estimate costs associated with winding down regulated activity - you can download here today hubs.ly/H0-9yGX0

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fscom's Director and Lead of Project Regulator at The Payments Association, Alison Donnelly introduces what is happening in the month of November within her project team. #PaymentsAssociation #Payments #ProjectRegulator hubs.ly/H0-Z7wk0

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fscom’s Director Alison Donnelly and Independent Payments Consultant Russell Burke, tackled key questions at the Association of Compliance Officers in Ireland (ACOI) webinar. Read more in the following article: hubs.ly/H0_142X0

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Payment and e-money firms are reminded that full Strong Customer Authentication (SCA) compliance is required to be in place for e-commerce transactions by 14 March 2022 or they risk customer purchases being declined. Link: hubs.ly/Q014gq_50 #FCA #Deadline

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There are only two weeks until the FCA's 31 October 2022 deadline for firms to have their Consumer Duty implementation plans ready to show the FCA, if requested. If you need any information on Consumer Duty, please contact us directly through our website.

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October is #cybersecurityawarenessmonth and firms should evaluate any areas of weakness they may have in order to mitigate the risks posed by external threat actors. If you require advice on your #cybersecurity systems and controls, get in touch hubs.ly/Q01q1yb_0

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“Across the 57 audit reports issued, 295 findings were recorded: 97 high impact findings and 198 low impact findings.” Read our most recent report, ‘Fincrime Compliance 2022’: hubs.ly/Q01s0SDj0

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Join the European Women in Payments Network in Ireland for our second in-person event of 2022. "EWPN: Breaking the silence" A Story of Survival, Healing and Thriving" will take place on Thursday 17th November 2022 in Dublin. To register, please click here: hubs.ly/Q01s43hn0

Join the European Women in Payments Network in Ireland for our second in-person event of 2022. "EWPN: Breaking the silence" A Story of Survival, Healing and Thriving" will take place on Thursday 17th November 2022 in Dublin. To register, please click here: hubs.ly/Q01s43hn0
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In response to the Consumer Duty guidance for customers in vulnerable circumstances, we strongly recommend that payment and e-money firms put together a framework for understanding vulnerability in their customer base. Please contact us through our website:hubs.ly/Q01t2nXq0

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Read our most recent blog, 'How to secure your information with ISO 27001' on our website by clicking on this link: hubs.ly/Q01t7qP40 #ISO27001 #CyberSecurity #CyberRisk #ICTRisk #CyberResilience

Read our most recent blog, 'How to secure your information with ISO 27001' on our website by clicking on this link: hubs.ly/Q01t7qP40

#ISO27001 #CyberSecurity #CyberRisk #ICTRisk #CyberResilience
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🎧Listen to the Financial Promotions Episode on Spotify. Listen to this episode by clicking on this link: hubs.ly/Q01vflqD0 #FinancialPromotions #Investments #Compliance #fscomPodcasts #Spotify

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The FCA's PS22/11 'Improvements to the Appointed Representatives (AR) regime’ has come into force today, setting out the feedback and responses to the Consultation Paper CP21/34, following a four-month implementation period. Read our blog: hubs.ly/Q01vmRJB0 #Investments

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Join us for our popular Payments Regulatory Outlook 2023 which takes place on Thursday 2 February in One Moorgate Place, London. To register, please click on the links provided: hubs.ly/Q01wd_PZ0 #Payments #ESG #fincrime #Cybersecurity #RegulatoryOutlook2023

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Join us for our Investments Regulatory Outlook 2023 which takes place on Thursday 9 February in The Marker Hotel, Dublin. To register for this event, please click on the links provided: hubs.ly/Q01wRd1p0 #InvestmentFirms #Investments #ESG #fincrime #Cybersecurity

Join us for our Investments Regulatory Outlook 2023 which takes place on Thursday 9 February in The Marker Hotel, Dublin. To register for this event, please click on the links provided: hubs.ly/Q01wRd1p0

#InvestmentFirms #Investments #ESG #fincrime #Cybersecurity
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Watch our webinar 'How to Secure your Information with ISO 27001' hosted by Head of Cyber Security, Nick Gumbley and Senior Manager Will Finn. To download this webinar, please click on the links provided: hubs.ly/Q01w-Jnt0 #ISO27001 #informationsecurity #cybersecurity

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🎧Listen to the Best Practice Guidance for your CDD/KYC Remediation Project Episode on Apple Podcasts. Listen to this episode by clicking on this link: hubs.ly/Q01xcWqy0 #KYC #CDD #CDDRediation #RemediationProject #fscomPodcasts #ApplePodcasts

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Watch our recent webinar on Alert and Transaction Monitoring. To download this free on-demand webinar from our website, please click on the links provided: hubs.ly/Q01xvYq40 #Alerts #TransactionMonitoring #fincrime #compliance #webinar

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We are delighted to announce that we have been shortlisted for the Compliance Consultancy Firm of the Year Award at the ICA Compliance Awards 2023 Europe. ICA @ica_compliance #ICAAwards2023

We are delighted to announce that we have been shortlisted for the Compliance Consultancy Firm of the Year Award at the ICA Compliance Awards 2023 Europe. 
<a href="/intcompassoc/">ICA</a> @ica_compliance