Trader Lab
Medicinal Chemistry and Chemical Biology Lab @ UC Irvine
ID: 977923348536741889
http://www.djtraderlab.com/ 25-03-2018 15:01:09
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We are looking for a postdoctoral research fellow to work with Eric Fischer and myself to pioneer next-generation covalent drug discovery. Please retweet. Apply here: careers.dana-farber.org/jobs/?search_t… Fischer Lab

Looking forward to our session today 2-5pm in Room 356! Targeting Protein Homeostasis Networks and Recent Developments Towards Targeting the Proteasome with Small Molecules #ACSSpring2024 Dr. Donna Huryn

The wendtlab.com is looking for postdocs interested in collaborative work in breast cancer metastasis, novel therapeutics, and the tumor microenvironment. University of Iowa UI Holden Comprehensive Cancer Center Internal Medicine at Iowa offer a great environment of translational research. rb.gy/yfonfc

The ONO PHARMA FOUNDATION sponsors a terrific series of Webinars in #chembio and this upcoming one will be excellent. Please retweet to get the word out.

Discover the secrets to PhD success! 🥼🔬 Listen to Lauren Albrecht on her tips to becoming a successful PhD student at UCI School of Pharmacy & Pharmaceutical Sciences. #UCISPPS #UCIPharmSci #FuturePhD #PhDStudent #GradSchool

We have an opening for a #chempostdoc in the Dr. Donna Huryn lab to work on our med chem / chemical biology kidney disease project. For more info - and contact info: web.sas.upenn.edu/hurynlab/

📢Share widely! I will be co-hosting a virtual info session on our UC Irvine Pharmacological Sciences Ph.D. program NEXT WED, September 11th @ 12p PST! UCI School of Pharmacy & Pharmaceutical Sciences RSVP at the link below: uci.zoom.us/meeting/regist…

A new paper from Lauren Albrecht and Laurence Seabrook developed a targeted protein degradation platform, MrTAC, that enables arginine methylation-driven degradation of intracellular proteins in lysosomes doi.org/10.1038/s41589…

Thrilled to share our new study in Nature Chemical Biology describing the proteome-wide impacts of electrophile stress in the context of covalent fragments. Big congratulations to first authors Ashley Julio Ashley Julio and Flowreen Shikwana Flowreen Shikwana ! 1/5 nature.com/articles/s4158…