Clint Stalnecker
ID: 857973715027578880
28-04-2017 15:04:08
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Congratulations to my #labmate #benchneighbor and #friend Bryant Lab UNC Der Lab at UNC UNC Lineberger UNC-Chapel Hill to her #OUTSTANDING study in Nature Medicine! ERKi + CQ to #killKRAS driven #PDAC (see paper for details ;)). PanCAN Channing Der #metabolism #MAPK #RAS nature.com/articles/s4159…

Happy to finally share our study out today in Nature Medicine proposing new treatment approach for #PancreaticCancer, published back-to-back with complementary study from Conan Kinsey. Thanks PanCAN for funding this work. nature.com/articles/s4159…

Excited to share our first paper on discovery of short linear motifs targeting MAP kinases! Graduate student Guangda Shi established a new yeast-based platform to identify sequences selectively binding the conserved "docking" groove of p38 and JNK. science.org/doi/10.1126/sc…

Congratulations to Jared Johnson and colleagues for compiling this excellent resource for the scientific community. The Kinase Library nature.com/articles/s4158…