Katherine Cashen (@cashenkatherine) 's Twitter Profile
Katherine Cashen


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calendar_today04-02-2021 20:49:18

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119 Following

Katherine Cashen (@cashenkatherine) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Nice work Eva and team! Procedural Outcomes of Pulmonary Atresia Intact Ventricular Septum in Neonates: A Multicenter Study pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/36070807/ #PICU , Rohit loomba Aditya Badheka John M. Costello Saul Flores

Duke Clinical Research Institute (@dcrinews) 's Twitter Profile Photo

“When you have the most complicated patients with severe inflammation affecting multiple organ systems, using steroids is like throwing a glass of water on a forest fire, and they seem to have less impact."— Kevin Hill, MD, MS STRESS Trial results #AHA22: bddy.me/3Ta9O99

“When you have the most complicated patients with severe inflammation affecting multiple organ systems, using steroids is like throwing a glass of water on a forest fire, and they seem to have less impact."— Kevin Hill, MD, MS

STRESS Trial results #AHA22: bddy.me/3Ta9O99
PICU Journal Watch #PedsICU #PedsCICU (@picjournalwatch) 's Twitter Profile Photo

#STRESS Network investigators showed that in infants undergoing #CPB surgery, prophylactic #methylprednisolone did not significantly reduce the likelihood of a worse outcome & was associated with postop hyperglycemia warranting insulin. NEJM Read this: pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/36342116/

SCCM Pediatrics Section (@sccm_pediatrics) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Today we highlight Dr. Alexandre T. Rotta , who is the immediate past chair of SCCM Pediatrics Section. He is chief of the #PedsICU at Duke University Medical Center, & a member of SCCM since 1994. You can follow him @AlexRotta - read on to learn more… 1/4

Today we highlight Dr. Alexandre T. Rotta , who is the immediate past chair of <a href="/SCCM_Pediatrics/">SCCM Pediatrics Section</a>. He is chief of the #PedsICU at Duke University Medical Center, &amp; a member of <a href="/SCCM/">SCCM</a> since 1994. You can follow him @AlexRotta - read on to learn more…

Katherine Cashen (@cashenkatherine) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Congrats to Dr. Kamat & Dr. Sivaswamy and coauthors (most who I don't think are on here!) on publication of Symptom-based approach to pediatric neurology link.springer.com/book/10.1007/9… @aamartinmd Ahmed Aly @arunsaini0369 Diana Torpoco Rivera

ISTH (@isth) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Register for the April 3 webinar: Hemostasis in ECMO with pediatric patients. Join Paul Monagle, Heidi J Dalton MD and Katherine Cashen. Register here: academy.isth.org/isth/2023/isth…

Register for the April 3 webinar: Hemostasis in ECMO with pediatric patients. Join Paul Monagle, <a href="/HeidiDalton26/">Heidi J Dalton MD</a> and <a href="/CashenKatherine/">Katherine Cashen</a>. 
Register here: academy.isth.org/isth/2023/isth…
Duke Health (@dukehealth) 's Twitter Profile Photo

The Grey’s Anatomy mid-season premier featured a partial #hearttransplant. The only two procedures to date were Duke Children's. Baby Owen Monroe (left) was the first person in the world to receive the procedure and little Kix Soderblom (right) became the second. 1/3

The Grey’s Anatomy mid-season premier featured a partial #hearttransplant. The only two procedures to date were <a href="/Duke_Childrens/">Duke Children's</a>. Baby Owen Monroe (left) was the first person in the world to receive the procedure and little Kix Soderblom (right) became the second. 

DeannaToddTzanetosMD (@deanna_md) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Interested in learning more about collaborative research through ⁦PCICS⁩ ? Join me and guests Chris Mastropietro and Katie Cashen ⁦⁩ #PedsCICU #PedsICU podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/pci…

Katherine Cashen (@cashenkatherine) 's Twitter Profile Photo

New multicenter paper from the ICU-Resuscitation Trial. Association of point-of-care CPR training and actual CPR performance. #PedsICU #PedsCICU Duke Peds Critical Care CHM PICU Fellows Association of CPR Simulation Program Characteristics with Simulated a... sciencedirect.com/science/articl…

David Werho MD 🏩🏳️‍🌈 다윗 (@dwerho) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Robyn Puente from Children's National Hospital 🏥 did an excellent job presenting the surgical shunt vs stent study in PA-IVS from CoRe-PCICS! Stents with lower morbidity. Is there clinical equipoise between these therapies anymore? #WCPCCS2023 WCPCCS2023 PCICS

Robyn Puente from <a href="/ChildrensNatl/">Children's National Hospital 🏥</a> did an excellent job presenting the surgical shunt vs stent study in PA-IVS from CoRe-PCICS! Stents with lower morbidity. Is there clinical equipoise between these therapies anymore? #WCPCCS2023 <a href="/8thWCPCCS2023/">WCPCCS2023</a> <a href="/PCICS2/">PCICS</a>
Duke Children's (@duke_childrens) 's Twitter Profile Photo

An innovative first-of-its-kind procedure by an amazing Duke Children's team leads to a thriving little boy. And this is just the beginning of the work and the impact. goodmorningamerica.com/wellness/story… Duke Health Duke Surgery

Rohit loomba (@loomba_rohit) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Multicenter study describing outcomes in children with functionally univentricular hearts who undergo tracheostomy. High mortality but there are some who do better. #pedsicu #pedscards #icu #criticalcare #MedTwitter #cardiology journals.lww.com/pccmjournal/ab…

Duke Children's (@duke_childrens) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Our exceptional teams are once again highlighted for their remarkable work. Proud to share we're nationally ranked #4: Pediatric Cardiology & Heart Surgery & #20: Neonatal Care + 9 pediatric specialties ranked among the nation's best (U.S. News and World Report, 2024-25).

Our exceptional teams are once again highlighted for their remarkable work. Proud to share we're nationally ranked #4: Pediatric Cardiology &amp; Heart Surgery &amp; #20: Neonatal Care + 9 pediatric specialties ranked among the nation's best (U.S. News and World Report, 2024-25).