ATOC at CU-Boulder
The Department of Atmospheric & Oceanic Sciences at the University of Colorado Boulder.
ID: 3452361133
http://www.colorado.edu/atoc 04-09-2015 21:41:59
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This article was written with my co-authors Marika Holland (NCAR CGD) and Jennifer Kay (CU, ATOC & CIRES) CU story: colorado.edu/today/2024/03/… ATOC at CU-Boulder INSTAAR 🏳️🌈 CIRES CU Boulder 🦬 NSF National Center for Atmospheric Research Humboldt-Stiftung

🧊🌊 ARCTIC SEA ICE ALERT - First ice-free day could occur over 10 years earlier than previous projections. Check out a new review paper in Nature Reviews Earth & Environment 🌈 by Alexandra Jahn (INSTAAR & ATOC at CU-Boulder), Marika Holland (NSF National Center for Atmospheric Research CGD) & Jennifer Kay (ATOC & CIRES)

🧊 ARCTIC SEA ICE ALERT 🌊 First ice-free day could occur over 10 yrs earlier than previous projections. New review by Alexandra Jahn Dr. Alexandra Jahn (INSTAAR & ATOC at CU-Boulder), Marika Holland (NSF NCAR Climate and Global Dynamics Laboratory), & Jennifer Kay (ATOC & CIRES) CU news story: colorado.edu/today/2024/03/…

Climate models are improving in their representation of modes of internal variability, as revealed here with large ensembles, which are an essential resource for evaluating model fidelity and inter-model differences. See new paper led by our Dr John Fasullo (journals.ametsoc.org/view/journals/…)

Study by our grad student Dave Rosencrans w. Prof Dr. Julie Kay Lundquist, Ph.D. @nrel_mechtherm shows that offshore turbines could reduce farms’ power output by over 30% due to wake effects. Yet, these proposed farms could cover 60% of New England's electricity demand colorado.edu/today/2024/04/…

Recently produced DOE and NCAR climate model large ensembles illustrate the opportunity they provide to quantify climate responses, identify model improvements, and highlight the inability of models to reproduce the observed recent increase in Earth's Energy Imbalance John Fasullo

See this new paper "An overview of the E3SM version 2 large ensemble and comparison to other E3SM and CESM large ensembles" led by our John Fasullo esd.copernicus.org/articles/15/36…