Centre for Marine Socioecology
#interdisciplinary collaboration between @UTAS_ @CSIRO & @AusAntarctic
focused on improving marine use & management
ID: 733536861902114816
http://marinesocioecology.org/ 20-05-2016 05:56:31
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Our new report summarizing @FishMIP climate change projections of marine ecosystems by EEZ and FAO fishing areas was released today at the Fisheries & Aquaculture #COFI36 by Manuel Barange and Julia Blanchard 🏳️🌈 Marine Institute, Memorial University Memorial University

I’d like to invite ~10 women in ecology to give guest lectures this Fall to my undergraduate ecology class of all women Saint Mary's College on research and their path in science. Any topic/study system in gen ecology is welcome! Reach out if interested! #womeninSTEM #ecology #wiewebinar

Live or die; who get's to choose which species survive? We face some hard decisions on allocating resources to save threatened species. For July's Beer Aquatic, Dr Beth Strain will ask us how we make those choices in our own Tassie waters. 6:30pm Thursday 25th July Hobart Brewing Co

Dive into the fascinating world of squid! 🦑 Listen to Seacreatures Podcast featuring @GrettaPecl. Check out the link for an in-depth discussion on these amazing cephalopods. open.spotify.com/episode/45kodF… 📸: Ocean Photos by Matt Testoni (@matt_testoni_photography on Instagram)

Excited to host my amazing colleague, senior manager at Blue Pacific WWF_Australia, Rachel S James who came to share her extensive expertise on Elevating Indigenous Knowledge & Inclusive conservation & Research. Thank you Rachel for such an inspiring talk. IMAS University of Tasmania

New paper alert 📣 Full article: Climate change and mental health: postgraduate psychology student and program coordinator perspectives from Australia and Aotearoa New Zealand tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.10… Kimberley Norris (She/Her) @GrettaPecl @utas_ CMS_UTas

Very excited to see our paper published in Policy and Society! "Understanding policy integration through an integrative capacity framework" (open access) maree fudge Liam Fullbrook UTAS Politics & IR CMS_UTas academic.oup.com/policyandsocie…

Two fully funded PhD positions 🇨🇦 Quantifying uncertainty in zooplankton-mediated biological carbon pump processes One based Dalhousie University and one UQAR in collaboration with Université Laval & Memorial University Apply by Sept. 1, details here: mimunl-my.sharepoint.com/:f:/g/personal…

Climate risk assessment: Australian & #Antarctic marine predators like seabirds, seals and penguins are especially vulnerable to environmental changes, as they rely on land-based breeding sites and the ocean to find food. ▶️ utas.edu.au/about/news-and… 📸 Shy albatross, Milan Sojitra

Yes! And #citsci & Species On The Move Conference is one approach to help people connect the dots & have those conversations More here: besjournals.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.10….