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LINKS is proud to be part of the Societal Resilience Cluster and the CERIS Community! CMINE RiskPACC EU Project Horizon Europe🇪🇺 sCience and human factOr for Resilient sociEty ENGAGE Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam VOST EUROPE | #SMEM 🇪🇺 safety innovation center gGmbH . . #DRR #DRM #DisasterResilience #societalresilience #disastertech #SendaiFramework… -- Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam VOST EUROPE | #SMEM 🇪🇺 safety innovation center gGmbH TU Darmstadt European Commission ENGAGE sCience and human factOr for Resilient sociEty CMINE RiskPACC EU Project BuildERS #civicengagement #riskcommunication #disastermanagement #socialparticipation #disasterresponse #emergency
The partners presented the project achievements and results over the past 3.5 years to the REA and expert reviewers Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam VOST EUROPE | #SMEM 🇪🇺 European Commission TU Darmstadt ENGAGE RiskPACC EU Project CMINE sCience and human factOr for Resilient sociEty safety innovation center gGmbH
Day 2 of the CBRNE Research and Innovation event commences with IMPRESS_RAIL_EU and PROACTIVE EU presenting their progress. Particularly reassuring is the networking and benefits they have realised by sharing with other projects including peers_eu
The Resilience Advisors Network team proudly supporting members of the DIREKTION continuing FIRE-IN legacy project at #CPForum2024 today
From attending the #UnionCivilProtection Forum to the #CERIS #DRS Event. A busy week for CORE in Brussels with booth displays and panel presentations! Visit sCience and human factOr for Resilient sociEty website to learn more: