Bogdan Toader
Applied mathematician, postdoc @MRC_LMB
ID: 898251092
https://bogdantoader.github.io 22-10-2012 19:35:55
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Fun and intense week working with a great team of motivated students on modelling optical aberrations using Zernike polynomials. Thanks Newton Gateway to Mathematics and Oxford Mathematics for a smooth-running virtual grad camp!

What is cryoEM? Yes, you freeze stuff, throw a bunch of electrons at it, and take pictures. Is that it? Nope. Bogdan Toader from Roy Lederman lab gave a fabulous chalk talk at Yale QBio breakfast today, on how he uses Bayesian statistics to interpret these pictures.

Our work on deconvolution for light-sheet microscopy from my postdoc at Cambridge Advanced Imaging Centre and Cambridge Image Analysis group was published last week. We implemented a model that takes into account the physics of the microscope as well as the mixed Poisson-Gaussian noise => sharper reconstruction.

Long overdue post about our review of cryo-EM methods for continuous conformational heterogeneity in Journal of Molecular Biology, for anyone looking for a mathematically consistent survey and introduction to the latest tools. With Roy Lederman and Fred Sigworth doi.org/10.1016/j.jmb.…

Our review article was the 19th most downloaded Journal of Molecular Biology article this year, cool!

🔬👩🔬 Exciting news! I'll soon start my lab Van Andel Institute (VAI) to research molecular mechanisms in Neurodegenerative diseases. 🧠💡 Now recruiting postdocs to join our dynamic research team! Email me if you're interested! #Postdoc #CryoEM #Neuroscience #ResearchOpportunity

Image processing pipeline in #RELION 5 for #cryoET reconstructions unprocessed => high-res model, aiding standardisation & cryoET newcomers. Image & research by Alister Burt & Bogdan Toader et al Sjors Scheres lab MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology in bioRxiv. Links on bpod.org.uk/archive/2024/5…

We have a tenure track opening for a computational scientist with exciting ideas for #machinelearning in molecular biology at the MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology, incl generous core funding from Medical Research Council & an unparalleled scientific environment. RTs appreciated! 🤗 jobs.sciencecareers.org/job/657824/res…

Go Bogdan Toader! Bogdan joined our group only a few months ago and has been learning about #cryoET ever since. Now, he is teaching the subject to new members of #teamtomo already! 👏 👏👏

Blush regularization from Dari Kimanius and Sjors Scheres MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology implemented in #RELION makes use of a neural network pre-trained on a diverse set of high-resolution cryo-EM half-maps to improve image alignment during cryo-EM structure determination. nature.com/articles/s4159…

DynaMight from Sjors Scheres MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology models continuous structural heterogeneity in cryo-EM datasets, leading to an improved reconstruction of the consensus structure. The study also explores the issue of overfitting when modeling structural flexibility. nature.com/articles/s4159…

Mapping the ultrastructural topology of the corynebacterial cell surface by Buse Isbilir. Amazing collaboration with Anna Yeates and Vikram Alva. MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology biorxiv.org/content/10.110…