Renée Bertini
Journalist, filmmaker, illustrator - passionate about storytelling in all its forms
ID: 1265588332890935300
https://www.linkedin.com/in/renée-b-390450158 27-05-2020 10:19:20
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#Wagner - Putin’s private army in #Ukraine - is cracking Our investigation with exclusive video from Wagner mercenaries in combat Melissa Bell saskyacnn Renée Bertini edition.cnn.com/2022/10/06/eur…

Our months long investigation into #Wagner mercenaries in Ukraine and how they’re struggling with morale, equipment and discipline. See exclusive video of the battlefield. Melissa Bell Joseph Ataman Renée Bertini cnn.com/2022/10/06/eur…

Exclusive - Georgia's former president Mikheil Saakashvili is fearing for his life in Georgian detention, medical reports and audio tapes obtained by Politico reveal. First scoop for POLITICOEurope politico.eu/article/mikhei…

On a retrouvé Mathilde, la "techno gréviste" la plus célèbre de #France. Et cette fois, elle était avec sa mère en #manif. #retraites #climat #manifestations #grève #famille #générations @alternatiba75 @alternatiba_ mc danse pour le climat 📲 Renée Bertini Anaïs Delmas Tiffany Fillon

An interesting testimony and a fun exercise to film an anonymous interview! Went reporting with Tiffany Fillon

Scoop! Here's why Ben Cohen from Ben and Jerry's is against America's support to Ukraine. The famously socially conscious ice cream mogul has been on a lengthy crusade against the US's bellicosity. 🧵More in my first cover story at POLITICOEurope: politico.eu/article/ben-co…

“What is being fought for is a broader idea of people" So proud to have been able to go all the way to Patagonia to report on this story with the amazing Renée Bertini Many thanks to @alisongriner for her thoughful edits aljazeera.com/news/2023/11/1… Al Jazeera English

We spent a month on the ground in Patagonia reporting with Juliette Gache - but after Milei's win yesterday, this story is far from over. Thank you to Allison Griner for some great editing, and to Texas A&M University Center on Conflict and Development's Student Media Grant Program

Brillant podcast de mes collègues Renée Bertini et Elena Pompei 🙌🏻 Alors que l'UE a adopté sa toute première loi sur la violence contre les femmes, les États membres ne sont pas parvenus à s'entendre sur une définition commune du viol. Pourquoi ? youtu.be/T4ZX5qou0Mw?si…

🎥LCP et GEDEON MEDIA GROUP présentent en avant-première au Sunny Side of the Doc le documentaire « Extrême droite, la nouvelle garde », après 1 an d’immersion auprès des futurs cadres de l’extrême droite française, ce lundi 24 juin à 19h30. ⌛Le 2 juillet dans #DébatDoc avec Jean-Pierre Gratien

🔵« L'extrême droite, la nouvelle garde » d'Arthur Didier Deren et Renée Bertini 👉Suivi d’un débat "Qui est la jeunesse d’extrême droite ?" présenté par @jeanpierregratien 🔹Marylou Magal 🔹 Hadrien Mathoux 🔹 Erwan Lecoeur 📺Tout de suite, #DébatDoc. #legislatives2024

Curious about the far-right surge in France, especially amongst young people? You should watch the documentary 'Extrême droite, la nouvelle garde' by Renée Bertini and Arthur Didier Deren. youtube.com/watch?v=MgNx55…

The Swiss may have a reputation for neutrality, so how come they’re one of the most heavily-armed countries in the world? We went to Switzerland to understand why, and we started from… a fun fair 🎡 Watch the full video over here W/Renée Bertini f24.my/AgwH