Biomedical Sciences Research Center Al. Fleming
BSRC Fleming is a non-profit research organisation focusing on scientific and technological excellence, training and innovation in biomedical sciences.
ID: 1102536900102012928
https://www.fleming.gr/ 04-03-2019 11:50:55
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Biomedical Sciences Research Center Al. Fleming has signed an agreement with KTIRIAKES YPODOMES for upgrading our building and infrastructure, in the framework of the RRF action "Creation – Expansion – Upgrading of the Infrastructures of research centers", supervised by the @gsrt_gr Christos Dimas Κώστας Καραμανλής

#BIOTECHNOPOLIS finally comes true! Biomedical Sciences Research Center Al. Fleming among 6 Research Centers in #Greece that will be financed by the #European_Investment_Bank European Investment Bank to support the construction of brand-new research infrastructures! Christos Dimas Υπουργείο Ανάπτυξης ΓΓΕΚ George Kollias

📢#Recruiting #Bioscientist #postdocs to join our team George Kollias Biomedical Sciences Research Center Al. Fleming | #inflammation #fibrosis #biomedicalresearch European Research Council (ERC) | #APPLY by January 15 👉 bit.ly/3Q9WlP3

📢Press release/ Δελτίο Τύπου του Υφυπουργού Ανάπτυξης και Επενδύσεων κ. Χρίστου Δήμα για τη Χρηματοδότηση 21,1 εκατ. ευρώ του ΕΚΕΒΕ «Αλέξανδρος Φλέμιγκ» από το Ταμείο Ανάκαμψης Christos Dimas ΓΓΕΚ Υπουργείο Ανάπτυξης

After an unbelievable journey I have been awarded an #ERCCoG grant! We will study fibroblasts as cancer antigen presenting cells Biomedical Sciences Research Center Al. Fleming to build concepts and find therapies! Grateful to my team, mentor and colleagues involved George Kollias Aristotelis Tsirigos bit.ly/ERCCoG2022Resu…

👏👏👏Congrats Maria Tsoumakidou Lab! Let the journey begin!

👉Tsoumakidou Lab #ERCCoG kathimerini.gr/society/562261…

What a great opportunity! #ERCCoG Tsoumakidou Lab Biomedical Sciences Research Center Al. Fleming Check out and apply fleming.gr/_files/jobs/Eo…

Happy to see our review article on how #nkt and #mait cells may contribute to #liver #disease published Frontiers - Immunology Biomedical Sciences Research Center Al. Fleming

Biomedical Sciences Research Center Al. Fleming Pint of Science GR 2023! Join us for a drink & learn about the secrets of our #genome #Nikolaou_lab, 29/5 - how #evolution affects our everyday lives Nikos Vakirlis, 29/5 - how our #cells decide what they want to be Mihalis Verykokakis 31/5 @ #MoMix_bar! fleming.gr/impact/fleming…

The Tsoumakidou Lab Lab Biomedical Sciences Research Center Al. Fleming is seeking a motivated postDOC #bioscientist to join a #ERCCoG on “Perturbation modelling of #fibroblasts to build cell communication and gene regulatory networks and design novel #immunotherapies European Research Council (ERC) 📌fleming.gr/_files/jobs/Eo…

So happy Orama Elpidas visited our center today to inform us about #hematopoietic stem cell and #bonemarrow donations and to register many volunteer donors from our young researchers!

Biomedical Sciences Research Center Al. Fleming visits the kindergarten🏫#Emedof for a #STEMeducation day! What does a scientist do? What is biology and #experiment? What is the magic ingredient in all living organisms? Children isolated #DNA from strawberries and were thrilled to be scientists for a day!

📣A new study by Anastasios Liakos et al. #MFlab published in Nucleic Acids Res links transcription pre-initiation assembly dynamics in response to #genotoxic stress with #cancer mutational landscapes fleming.gr/impact/fleming…

🎯Very excited for the brand new Biomedical Sciences Research Center Al. Fleming #newsletter! Grateful to Hellenic Foundation for Research & Innovation-HFRI for funding our “Science & Society” project! View, download & enjoy it 👉fleming.gr/impact/fleming… #ScienceDissemination #AmaliaFleming #AlexanderFleming #science_communication

Yorgos Skretas lab, Director of the #IBI Biomedical Sciences Research Center Al. Fleming and #ERA Chair holder of the #Boost4Bio project @ the "Greek #ERAChairs' Day"! The inaugural Day Event for the seven new Greek #ERA Chairs scheduled for 26/9/2023 will be hosted @ #FORTH #Crete forth.gr/en/news/show/&…

📢 Happy to announce that Martin Reczko #lab team Biomedical Sciences Research Center Al. Fleming was awarded 2nd place in the #BioASQ Synergy 2023 international competition, in the category "exact answers", by using the Large Language Model called #ELECTROLBERT developed in the lab!! Elixir Greece #ELIXIRnode

... and the Biomedical Sciences Research Center Al. Fleming tree is up! Beautifully decorated by Fleming family... #ChristmasSpirit is all around🎄 #christmasdecorations #science #Fleming

📷Meet our partners: Biomedical Sciences Research Center Al. Fleming BSRC Fleming, a leading Greek non-profit research organization, is dedicated to pioneering cutting-edge biomedical research, offering comprehensive training, high-level mentorship, advanced scientific services, and fostering technology transfer

📣Happy to share that Biomedical Sciences Research Center Al. Fleming #PhD candidates A. Charonitakis & E. Prifti have been awarded the poster award @ the 30th Meeting of the Hellenic Society For Neuroscience ! fleming.gr/impact/fleming…