BPS North West of England branch
ID: 1424749696682180608
09-08-2021 15:10:43
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On behalf of BPS North West of England branch a big thank you to Dr Hannah Fawcett and everyone who attended tonight's psychology in the community event
Delighted to be a part of the editorial team of The first issue of our BPS Branch Awards publication Out in June. In this first edition of BPS Branch Awards, the best Undergraduate dissertations from each Wessex Branch region BPS North West of England branch @BPSWessexBranch British Psychological Society
Please see link for details of the BPS NE and BPS NW conference discussing Homelessness, Deprivation, and health bps.org.uk/event/north-ea… British Psychological Society BPS BRANCH FORUM
Very pleased to present Volume 1 of the newest British Psychological Society publication #BPSBranchAwards explore.bps.org.uk/content/bpsba/… Edited by myself, Sharmistha Chaudhuri and jimmy Petruzzi, presenting the winners of the @BPSWessexBranch #TonyGaleAward winner dissertations. explore.bps.org.uk/content/bpsba/…
NW BPS Branch NorthEast Psychology @bpsofficial Community Psychology Delighted to be presenting at the conference NE and NW Branches Annual Conference 2023; The Community: Working Together to Tackle Homelessness, Deprivation and Health for further info please see link bps.org.uk/event/north-ea…
Sunderland UK on 4 & 5 September our Annual Conference: Working Together to Tackle Homelessness, Deprivation and Health. bps.org.uk/event/north-ea… Community Psychology Professor Greta Defeyter @NickyHayesPsych ᴍᴏʜᴀᴍᴍᴇᴅ ʀᴀʜᴍᴀɴ 𝙿𝚑.𝙳 @jimpetruzzi @NWpsych NorthEast Psychology @bpsofficial Community Psychology Andrea Stein: PhD Researcher
A big thank you to everyone who attended my presentation today BPS North West of England branch British Psychological Society BPSNEBranch Sunderland UK #psychology