Alisa DiCaprio
Chief Economist at R3. Jargon translator. Triathlete. Occasional blockchain overexplainer.
ID: 1539719077
https://www.r3.com/ 22-06-2013 23:18:40
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Everybody has a side hustle. Mine is writing papers with Dre Maria Sokolova ! Our latest in Politics & Gender answers the question - why are women heads of multilaterals so scarce? buff.ly/3A6WDPk

Books are great. They brought Daron Acemoglu back to Twitter!

Where we argue about the difference between a stablecoin and a tokenized deposit and Scott Chipolina does the whole session with no notes!

Will digital assets change finance? These are the people to ask ⬇️ Thank you Financial News for the shout out and R3 for the opportunity. Excited to be part of this club along with Teana Baker-Taylor Caroline Malcolm Sendi Young Elke Karskens and others

Women's day is a great time to recognize an important place where women are absent: the top. Only 25% of multilateral appointed a woman head even once since 1990. Our 2023 paper in Politics & Gender exposes the candidate pool as the bottleneck. buff.ly/3UBCz2V