Aldema Sas-Chen
RNA biology and RNA modifications in human disease and across evolution
ID: 1229359266642956288
17-02-2020 10:57:57
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Thanks to the The RNA Society for this endorsement. And thank you Paula Petronela Groza - was a pleasure interacting with you regarding this piece. rnasociety.org/dr--aldema-sasโฆ

Thanks to the The RNA Society for this Spotlight highlighting our passion to study #RNA regulation and the #epitranscriptome in health and disease.

After an exciting day co-chairing the session RNA processing and modification with Sara Zaccara at #EESRNA in #Heidelberg, looking forward for today where I will present our work on the role of #RNA #acetylation in thermostability. EMBL Events

Thanks to all the organizers and participants for a wonderful day of great #RNA science! The Israeli RNA Society

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Organized by Kathy Giacomini, Nevan Krogan, Aldema Sas-Chen, & Ron Shamir, the Quantitative Biosciences Institute and Tel Aviv University present the "QBI/UCSF-TAU Symposium on Computational Biology and Drug Discovery" on May 16-17 in SF Find out more & register! qbi.ucsf.edu/qbi-tau-symposโฆ

Here are some members of the Sas-Chen Lab enjoying some well-deserved time off๐โ๏ธ! Dr. Aldema Sas-Chen of the Shmunis School of Biomedicine and Cancer Research School of Biomedicine and Cancer Research at Tel Aviv University heads up the lab, which studies RNA-based mechanisms of gene regulation. The Sas-Chen Lab

Join for the "RNA Modification and Processing" conference to enjoy discussion, exciting talks and presenting your own work! More info here: trr319-rmap.de/symposium/ Organised & funded by: RMaP - TRR319, At the Helm, FrancescaTuorto, Kรถnig Lab, DFG public | @[email protected]

Excited to be heading to Houston for #RNACancerSRC with Abdel-Wahab Lab Olga Anczukow Hani Goodarzi Maayan Salton Westbrook Lab. Looking forward a great week of science on #RNA in #cancer

Great session on #RNA modifications in #cancer with Nicole M Martinez Fuks_Lab Mike Fernandez Aldema Sas-Chen #RNAcancerSRC

Always great meeting old and new friends and hearing interesting #RNAbiology and #cancer talks #RNAcancerSRC FASEB. Thanks to the organizers for an opportunity to discuss our science Abdel-Wahab Lab Olga Anczukow Hani Goodarzi Maayan Salton Westbrook Lab Erin Eun-Young Ahn

Thrilled and honored to receive the FEBS Excellence Award, supporting our study on the impact of the #epitranscriptome and #RNA based mechanisms of gene regulation on #cancer progression. Shmunis School of Biomedicine and Cancer Research Tel Aviv University . More on our work at saschenlab.sites.tau.ac.il

Congratulations Nofar Malka! I'm sure this is the first if many interesting publications to come. Happy to have you on our team!

Meet The Shielded Plasmid๐ก๏ธ๐งฌ Our new nature paper reveals how plasmids outsmart bacterial defenses during conjugation. It's all about being in the right place at the right time! The positioning of anti-defense genes boosts transfer efficiency๐งต(1/7) nature.com/articles/s4158โฆ