Anders Hagfeldt (@ahagfeldt) 's Twitter Profile
Anders Hagfeldt


Rektor vid Uppsala universitet. Vice Chancellor at Uppsala University.

ID: 1427620749989273612

calendar_today17-08-2021 13:18:47

121 Tweet


84 Following

ReAct - Action on Antibiotic Resistance (@reactgroup) 's Twitter Profile Photo

A warm and heartfelt thank you to all participants of the Uppsala University and ReAct Uppsala Dialogue❣️ What is needed for unlocking Barriers for Collective Action ? #AntibioticResistance For a world free from untreatable infections. Arranged in the framework of @sweden2023eu

A warm and heartfelt thank you to all participants of the <a href="/UU_University/">Uppsala University</a> and ReAct Uppsala Dialogue❣️ 

What is needed for unlocking Barriers for Collective Action ? #AntibioticResistance

For a world free from untreatable infections. 

Arranged in the framework of @sweden2023eu
Anders Hagfeldt (@ahagfeldt) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Språkvetenskapliga fakultetens dekan David Håkansson invald i Svenska Akademien! Stort Grattis!…

Högskolepolitik (@hogskolepolitik) 's Twitter Profile Photo

14 ordföranden från landets universitetsstyrelser kräver ett möte och en förklaring om beslutet om att förkorta mandatperioden från utbildningsminister Mats Persson (L).…

Jan Palmowski (@janpalmowski) 's Twitter Profile Photo

A thoughtful piece Dr Christian Ehler that acknowledges the challenges around legislating on protecting #academicfreedom. Events in 🇸🇪show need for implementation of Bonn Declaration on Freedom of Scientific Research, accepted by all Member States! #EU2023SE 👉

A thoughtful piece <a href="/MEP_Ehler/">Dr Christian Ehler</a> that acknowledges the challenges around legislating on protecting #academicfreedom. Events in 🇸🇪show need for implementation of Bonn Declaration on Freedom of Scientific Research, accepted by all Member States! #EU2023SE 👉
Anna Ekström (@anna_ekstrom) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Innan ni rapporterar om rankingar, ta gärna en titt på vad som mäts - och hur. Utmärkt att Anders Hagfeldt markerade att rankingar ska tas med en rejäl nypa salt när han kommenterade i Vetenskapsradion

The Guild (@guildeu) 's Twitter Profile Photo

🇸🇪 "Europe must be a beacon of academic freedom" - Secretary-General Jan Palmowski states, following the Swedish government's decision to shorten the terms of office of university Board members ➡️ @sweden2023eu

🇸🇪 "Europe must be a beacon of academic freedom" - Secretary-General <a href="/janpalmowski/">Jan Palmowski</a> states, following the Swedish government's decision to shorten the terms of office of university Board members ➡️

Anders Hagfeldt (@ahagfeldt) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Blogginlägg: Stäng inte dörren för internationell forskning! Att dra in utlysningen för utvecklingsforskning slår inte bara hårt mot viktig forskning utan kommer i förlängningen att påverka vår konkurrenskraft och tillväxt negativt. #forskpol #forskning…

Eike Koehnen (@eikekoehnen) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Another remarkable achievement: Anders Hagfeldt , Sam Stranks and their teams demonstrated less than 1% efficiency loss after 4500h operational stability tests:…

StranksLab (@strankslab) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Published by nature as Linfeng Pan presents at #S24MRS co-led w/ Linjie Dai Enhanced charge transport + 70% more current vs state of art by Cu2O photocathode crystal orientation tuning… CEB Cambridge Cambridge University EPFL Press

StranksLab (@strankslab) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Paper… Press release… “In addition to the improved performance, we found that the orientation makes the films much more stable” Linfeng Pan “Something about that diagonal direction in these materials is magic” Sam Stranks

The Guild (@guildeu) 's Twitter Profile Photo

📣 Last month, The Guild's General Assembly elected Anders Hagfeldt, Vice-Chancellor of Uppsala University as Chair and Virginia Richter, Rector-elect from Universität Bern as new Board member, joining Rachel Sandison, Vice-Principal of the University of Glasgow, Toomas Asser, Rector of the University of Tartu and

📣 Last month, The Guild's General Assembly elected <a href="/AHagfeldt/">Anders Hagfeldt</a>, Vice-Chancellor of <a href="/UU_University/">Uppsala University</a> as Chair and <a href="/via_richter/">Virginia Richter</a>, Rector-elect from <a href="/unibern/">Universität Bern</a> as new Board member, joining <a href="/RachelSandison/">Rachel Sandison</a>, Vice-Principal of the <a href="/UofGlasgow/">University of Glasgow</a>, Toomas Asser, Rector of the <a href="/unitartu/">University of Tartu</a> and