AHDS (@ahdscotland) 's Twitter Profile


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Calum Ross (@calumross23) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Jenny Gilruth has confirmed Glasgow City Council's share of a fund for maintaining teacher numbers this year is £16.5m. The council faces being denied this money because it is cutting 172 teaching jobs, potentially leaving a huge hole in its budget scotsman.com/education/why-…

Juliet Robertson (@creativestar) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Words fail me ... for all the right reasons. Thanks to all involved in the nomination and conferment. Today is a special day. #edchat #ukedchat #scotedchat #Outdoorplay #outdoored #primary #nature #KS1 #KS2

AHDS (@ahdscotland) 's Twitter Profile Photo

An interesting piece in Times Ed looking at 12 questions for the new Labour government on education. In Scotland we are, of course, interested in budget consequentials from implementing these commitments - investment in ASN being a no.1 top priority! tes.com/magazine/news/…

AHDS (@ahdscotland) 's Twitter Profile Photo

The independent pay review body in England recommended that teachers and other public sector workers should get a pay increase of 5.5%. The UK Government needs to step up and deliver a fully funded award. thetimes.com/uk/politics/ar…

AHDS (@ahdscotland) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Independent pay review body in England reeommends 5.5% pay increase for techers and other publicsector workers. The UK Government needs to step up to the mark with a fully funded award. thetimes.com/uk/politics/ar…

AHDS (@ahdscotland) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Decision on public sector pay in England will be taken this month. One to watch as this has real implications for pay and staffing decisions in Scotland. BBC News - Reeves hints at above-inflation public sector pay rise bbc.com/news/articles/…

Nuzhat Uthmani (@nuthmani) 's Twitter Profile Photo

All schools need to tackle #racism head on after these riots. Pls read my latest article for TES & consider the steps outlined. I'm happy to offer a series of professional development opportunities to get you started, please get in touch by DM or [email protected]

COSLA (@cosla) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Following a special meeting of Council Leaders this morning to discuss Local Government Pay, COSLA has this afternoon made a significantly improved formal offer to the trade unions Read more➡️cosla.gov.uk/news/2024/new-…

Following a special meeting of Council Leaders this morning to discuss Local Government Pay, COSLA has this afternoon made a significantly improved formal offer to the trade unions

Read more➡️cosla.gov.uk/news/2024/new-…
Education, Children and Young People Committee (@sp_ecyp) 's Twitter Profile Photo

The Education (Scotland) Bill will establish a new body called Qualifications Scotland and create a new office, His Majesty’s Chief Inspector of Education in Scotland. We will be scrutinising the Bill - help us by sharing your views ➡ ow.ly/QH6q50SVCza

The Education (Scotland) Bill will establish a new body called Qualifications Scotland and create a new office, His Majesty’s Chief Inspector of Education in Scotland.

We will be scrutinising the Bill - help us by sharing your views ➡ ow.ly/QH6q50SVCza
Glasgow City Parents Group (GCPG) (@gcparentsgroup) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Glasgow City Parents Group Takes Legal Action Against Glasgow City Council Over Education Budget Cuts - Full statement Link to pdf for accessibility bit.ly/3AoRxBt

Glasgow City Parents Group Takes Legal Action Against Glasgow City Council Over Education Budget Cuts - Full statement 

Link to pdf for accessibility bit.ly/3AoRxBt
AHDS (@ahdscotland) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Scottish Government's National action plan on relationships and behaviour in schools: 2024 - 2027 was published today - gov.scot/publications/n… The focus is welcome but additional resources are essential to address the challenges faced.

EIS (@eisunion) 's Twitter Profile Photo

The EIS has notified Glasgow Council that the EIS will open a statutory industrial action ballot one week from today (Monday 2 September) over the Council’s plans to axe 450 teaching posts from Glasgow schools over a 3-year period. #EISNews eis.org.uk/latest-news/gl…

The EIS has notified Glasgow Council that the EIS will open a statutory industrial action ballot one week from today (Monday 2 September) over the Council’s plans to axe 450 teaching posts from Glasgow schools over a 3-year period. #EISNews 

Glasgow City Parents Group (GCPG) (@gcparentsgroup) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Help Us Fight for Glasgow’s Children’s Education! 1/8 🚨 This week, shocking revelations from leaked emails have exposed a grave betrayal of trust by GCC. Senior officers manipulated language to hide damaging teacher cuts. This is unacceptable. #LetOurKidsFlourish

AHDS (@ahdscotland) 's Twitter Profile Photo

AHDS members. Look out for an email inviting you to vote regarding the latest pay offer. Ballot closes on 11 Sept at 9am.