skr (@zijinheimanba95) 's Twitter Profile


ID: 907510837950038016

link calendar_today12-09-2017 07:46:59

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34 Following

Elena Plaza Moreno 💓 Urgencias y emergencias (@urgenciasemerge) 's Twitter Profile Photo

⭕️¿Sabes lo que es el signo de #McConnell? Te lo cuento aquí:… #FOAMed #FOANed #FOAMem #FOAMus #eco #ultrasound #TEP

Srikanth Vedachalam, DO (@drvedachalamdo) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Always hoping to detect a possible PE with ultrasound, but never quite remembering all parts of McConnell’s sign. This helps a lot!

NephroPOCUS (@nephrop) 's Twitter Profile Photo

When the sub diaphragmatic fish has a wide mouth, its NOT asking for more water! In plain language, we are looking at a plethoric IVC (mouth) passing though the liver (face). Can you identify what structures are appearing as fish eyes? 🤓 #POCUS #MedEd #Nephrology

Omkolsoum (@omkolsoumyahoo1) 's Twitter Profile Photo

The "cluster sign" is a feature of pyogenic hepatic abscesses,  particularly of biliary origin, in US / CT ... The double target sign is a characteristic imaging feature of liver abscess on contrast-enhanced CT ... Neil Sharma, M.D. FASGE, FACG, AGAF Klaus Mönkemüller, MD, PhD Mukesh Harisinghani NephroPOCUS Kadége S

The "cluster sign" is a feature of pyogenic hepatic abscesses,  particularly of biliary origin, in US / CT ...
The double target sign is a characteristic imaging feature of liver abscess on contrast-enhanced CT ...
<a href="/neilRsharmaMD/">Neil Sharma, M.D. FASGE, FACG, AGAF</a>
<a href="/KMonkemuller/">Klaus Mönkemüller, MD, PhD</a> <a href="/mharisinghani/">Mukesh Harisinghani</a> <a href="/NephroP/">NephroPOCUS</a> <a href="/Kh_Saidani/">Kadége S</a>
Sᴡɪss Uʟᴛʀᴀsᴏᴜɴᴅ Cᴇɴᴛᴇʀ - UZR (@rheumatology) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Ultrasound is extremely precise in the assessment of subscapularis tears and there is enough evidence of a high accuracy of shoulder ultrasound in pre-operative diagnosis

Jamal Ali (@the_sonoguy) 's Twitter Profile Photo

🔍 Spotlight on Cholangiocarcinoma 😣 ➡️ small or large masses, mostly inhomogenous ➡️ arterial hyperenhancement ➡️ rapid early washout ➡️ biopsy needed 💉 ➡️ surgery 🔪 or immune-chemo💊 #MedTwitter #livertwitter #FOAMed #GItwitter #MedX #Meded

Jamal Ali (@the_sonoguy) 's Twitter Profile Photo

😏💫 My most favorite structure: the portal triad 👌 Let’s check out the portal triad, a structure which is essential for a GI doctor, because of the clinical significance of portal vein thrombosis, Tumor Infiltration or CBD pathologies such as stones. #MedTwitter #FOAMed

SimbaLee (@lipeng0820) 's Twitter Profile Photo

海鲜市场 10 元解了小米BL锁,原生安卓系统真香啊! 🔒解锁需要准备一台Windows电脑,安装todesk远程控制。对方不会获取任何密码,一顿操作后等待 168 小时。 🤔解锁后纠结刷小米国际版还是EU版,结果看到了 上的原生版本。

海鲜市场 10 元解了小米BL锁,原生安卓系统真香啊!

🔒解锁需要准备一台Windows电脑,安装todesk远程控制。对方不会获取任何密码,一顿操作后等待 168 小时。

🤔解锁后纠结刷小米国际版还是EU版,结果看到了 上的原生版本。