Ben Van Overmeire (@zenmirrors) 's Twitter Profile
Ben Van Overmeire


Assistant Professor of Religious Studies @Dukekunshan. Author of American Koan: Avid Board gamer.

ID: 846354518

link calendar_today25-09-2012 22:50:26

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932 Following

Ben Van Overmeire (@zenmirrors) 's Twitter Profile Photo

I just subscribed to Grading for Growth, by Robert Talbert…. Looking forward to getting more ideas on how to refine my non-grading approach!

Ben Van Overmeire (@zenmirrors) 's Twitter Profile Photo

What could go wrong with sending in massive machines to scrape away the seabed? Other than dead marine life, destroyed ecosystems, and poisoned water, that is. Join the urgent campaign to stop deep-sea mining! #StopDeepSeaMining #DefendTheDeep…

Ben Van Overmeire (@zenmirrors) 's Twitter Profile Photo

On my way to the annual conference of ACLA . It's been such a long time, but I fondly remember their great panel format. Great to return. We're doing a panel on alternative cosmologies of time! Come say hi!

Interplanetary Initiative at ASU (@ii_asu) 's Twitter Profile Photo

How will religious and political ideologies define the future of human expansion into space? Join ASU Interplanetary Initiative, in partnership with Future Tense, for the Space Intersections livestream with leading experts exploring the rationales for space expansion. Tune in

How will religious and political ideologies define the future of human expansion into space? Join ASU Interplanetary Initiative, in partnership with <a href="/FutureTenseNow/">Future Tense</a>, for the Space Intersections livestream with leading experts exploring the rationales for space expansion. Tune in
Ben Van Overmeire (@zenmirrors) 's Twitter Profile Photo

My book, American Koan, is now advertised in the Fall catalogue of UvA Press! More information to come soon :) #zen #americanbuddhism

My book, American Koan, is now advertised in the Fall catalogue of UvA Press! More information to come soon :) #zen #americanbuddhism
WIRED (@wired) 's Twitter Profile Photo

While the toy brand kills its plans for an oil-free plastic alternative, it’s still pumping out billions of non-biodegradable bricks a year. Can Lego ever be sustainable? (From 2023)

Dr Susan Blum (pronounced BLOOM; Pronouns she/her) (@susandebrablum) 's Twitter Profile Photo

If you don't practice #ungrading but wish you could, what holds you back? (Poll allows only 4 options; please add in comments if you wish.) Thank you!

Ben Van Overmeire (@zenmirrors) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Late at night, we finished Z-Man Games Matt Leacock's Pandemic Legacy Season 0. We saved the world, achieving all objectives. But we were unable to stop an even greater threat to humanity purring in the background.

Late at night, we finished <a href="/Zmangames_/">Z-Man Games</a> <a href="/mattleacock/">Matt Leacock</a>'s  Pandemic Legacy Season 0. We saved the world, achieving all objectives. But we were unable to stop an even greater threat to humanity purring in the background.
Ben Van Overmeire (@zenmirrors) 's Twitter Profile Photo

My forthcoming book, American Koan, is now available for pre-order on Amazon ( and the UVa Press website (!

My forthcoming book, American Koan, is now available for pre-order on Amazon ( and the UVa Press website (!
Ben Van Overmeire (@zenmirrors) 's Twitter Profile Photo

This semester, why not experiment with moving away from traditional grading systems?… via @Zenmirrors

Ben Van Overmeire (@zenmirrors) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Honored to be Featured Faculty on DKU's Center for the Study of Contemporary China's website. Read on for my thoughts on Zen, autobiography, and Buddhism in space!…

Adeana McNicholl (@adeanamcn) 's Twitter Profile Photo

My #Buddhism book has arrived! And just in time for Nashville's Vietnamese celebration of the ghost festival. It's so cool and surreal to be finally holding this in my hands. (+ obligatory cat, she likes being included)

My #Buddhism book has arrived! And just in time for Nashville's Vietnamese celebration of the ghost festival. It's so cool and surreal to be finally holding this in my hands. (+ obligatory cat, she likes being included)
Shozan Jack Haubner (@shozanjhaubner) 's Twitter Profile Photo

I've noticed 5 instances of self-harm (arm scars) on young people in the last 6 months. This video is about the difference between self-harm & the Buddhist teaching of no self. It's also a video about growing up, which is a lifelong practice.

Ben Van Overmeire (@zenmirrors) 's Twitter Profile Photo

For a while, I was obsessed with getting advice from productive writers. Now that my book's coming out, I feel confident enough to share some of the wisdom I've gained.…

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (@aoc) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Big Oil and their mouthpiece, Fox News, would rather us burn fossil fuels until entire cities get wiped out than have us confront the climate crisis. They do not give a damn about people losing everything. That’s why we must mass organize like our lives depend on it. It does.

Ben Van Overmeire (@zenmirrors) 's Twitter Profile Photo

One of the great pleasures of my current research: reading through articles describing the features of Belter language, a creole tongue spoken by people living in outer space in #theexpanse

Ben Van Overmeire (@zenmirrors) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Finally holding a copy of my first book! Thanks UVA Press for sending it to me! If you're interested in #Zen and #Literature, order a copy!

Finally holding a copy of my first book! Thanks <a href="/uvapress/">UVA Press</a> for sending it to me! If you're interested in #Zen and #Literature, order a copy!