Di Yu 余迪
Director of Ian Frazer Centre and Professor of Immunology at University of Queensland. Passion for T cells, Cytokines and Systems Immunology. Tweets are my own.
ID: 1060493880913625088
http://researchers.uq.edu.au/researcher/25123 08-11-2018 11:26:59
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Interested to learn about #RNAVaccines for #cancer? Our thoughts now in Cancer Cell RNA Vaccines for cancer: Principles to Practice cell.com/cancer-cell/ab… Free pdf is here 👇🏽 authors.elsevier.com/a/1jDHe5TA51hO…

Tfh heterogeneity. More pieces in the picture. Well done, Luis Graca and the team.

XXI Germinal Centre Conference (GCC)-Lymphatic Tissues and Germinal Centres in Immune Reactions. Starting today! Linterman Lab Carola Vinuesa Oliver Bannard

CXCL13 shows up prominently in T cells in autoimmune tissues and tumors. Human Tfh and Tph cells produce lots of CXCL13, yet its regulation is pretty unclear. With beautiful CRISPR screens by Jaehyuk Choi, Calvin Law, we found a few key factors... nature.com/articles/s4158…

Location, location, location goes clonal, immune system style! Check out our short article, highlighting our Spatial VDJ method mapping B and T cell receptors, with the fabulous Qirong Lin and Kim Thrane nature.com/articles/s4157… Open access here: rdcu.be/dPkwO

IgA-secreting cells from the nasal lymphoid tissues. A very cool study. Congrats Ziv Shulman Lab and the team.

Immunotherapy as an anti-aging treatment? Valery Krizhanovsky we show that immune checkpoint anti-PD-L1 can enhance the immune system to remove senescent cells & ameliorate age-related phenotypes! Amit Agrawal uri alon IdoAmitLab Weizmann Institute nature.com/articles/s4155…

That's a wonderful story and it is excited to see it finally out. Congrats Kedzierska Lab and the team.

I attended the Bellberry 20th anniversary celebration in Adelaide. Bellberry has landed incredible achievements for human research ethics and advocacy. Well done. Kylie Sproston and your team. #HREC #Bellberry

The ACRF Melanoma Imaging & Diagnosis Centre team has won the Australian Museum Eureka Prizes for Interdisciplinary Scientific Research!!!🏆 Huge congratulations to H. Peter Soyer Monika Janda Pablo Fernandez-Peñas Dr Victoria Mar Liz Payne, Graig Lawn and all others for their amazing (team)work 👏🏻 UQ News University of Sydney Monash University

A new generation of vaccine #adjuvants tailored for the pediatric immune system could help overcome longstanding gaps in the design of #InfectiousDisease vaccines for children, according to a new Viewpoint from researchers at NIAID News. scim.ag/8hu

This year's Jian Zhou Medallists are interventional cardiologist James Chong & cardiac bioengineer Prof James Hudson. The medal is named for cervical cancer vaccine co-inventor Prof Jian Zhou, who worked alongside award founder Prof Ian Frazer. aahms.org/news/jian-zhou…