Emerging Youth Pakistan
Emerging Youth Pakistan
Platform For Emerging Youth Leaders
ID: 1474346457192972291
24-12-2021 11:49:35
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UAPA The unlawful activities prevention act in India is used to put innocent young people behind bars, with no legal recourse. Indian police continue deadly raids on rebels in disputed Kashmir @TRTWorld trtworld.com/asia/indian-po… Ch Fawad Hussain Munir Akram, PR of Pakistan to the UN Ruwa Shah Senator Dr. Zarqa Taimur
بھارتی حکومت نے مقبوضہ کشمیر میں ظالمانہ قوانین نافذ کررکھے ہیں۔ چھوٹے چھوٹے کشمیری بچوں کو غیر قانونی طور پر اٹھا لیا جاتا ہے، ہمیں بطور پارلیمنٹرین ان ظالمانہ قوانین کے خلاف عالمی سطح پر آواز اٹھانی چاہیئے۔ PTI Azad Kashmir Shehryar Afridi Barrister Sultan @AqayyumniaziPTI
EYP team has a pleasent meeting with Senator Dr Zarqa.Briefly discuss about the Upcoming Event of EYP. Mam Zarqa appreciated efforts of emerging youth and assure their support for EYP. #EYP #emergingyouthconference Senator Dr. Zarqa Taimur
The formation core of EYP gathered around the lunnch table in their rotine meetup to look upon the contemporary and future indorse. All respected participants agreed to expand the team making process all over the beloved Pakistan. Regards EYP Emerging Youth Pakistan Senator Dr. Zarqa Taimur