Kailas Roberts
How to keep your grey and white matter in top shape.
Dr Kailas Roberts, author of Your Brain in Mind: The Essential Australian Guide to Dementia (UQP 2021)
ID: 1355395876450050051
https://www.yourbraininmind.com 30-01-2021 06:02:20
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Love this! The simplest thing of all - breathing - can be harnessed in a way that may reduce the risk of dementia. breathe-london.com lnkd.in/gy_rVhBj
Great simple infographic for this complex disease Healthy Brain Ageing Program, University of Sydney Australian Dementia Network - ADNeT Dementia Australia
I’m excited to let you know that my book ‘All in the Mind - insights from the forefront of brain science’ is released today in the UK ! Order here amazon.co.uk/dp/0733342426 HarperCollinsUK HarperCollins Aus