Yoav Artzi (PC-ing COLM)
Research/prof @cs_cornell + @cornell_tech🚡 / nlp.cornell.edu / machinelearning.cis.cornell.edu / asso. faculty director @arxiv / building recnet.io/yoav
ID: 322460769
http://yoavartzi.com/ 23-06-2011 06:22:11
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juri Thank you! We were initially inspired by this paper: aclanthology.org/2020.conll-1.3… When designing our evaluation and analyzing the results, we looked at more CogSci and Psycholinguistics works (e.g., link.springer.com/article/10.375…, doi.org/10.1016/S0749-…, doi.org/10.1111/cogs.1…).

And come see Raquel Fernández’s keynote at Conference on Language Modeling . I can’t wait!

All Conference on Language Modeling accepted papers are now online, including reviews, decision text, and discussions: colmweb.org/AcceptedPapers… We still have a limited number of tickets left: whova.com/portal/registr…

#CornellTech warmly welcomes Assistant Professor of #CS Hadar Averbuch-Elor, Clinical Professor of #Law and Research Director David Reiss, and Assistant Professor of #IS Angelina Wang as new #faculty! bit.ly/3ZfC4xQ #EducatingLeaders Cornell University Hadar Averbuch-Elor Angelina Wang

Learning Machines seminar Cornell Tech lineup for the coming semester is finally taking shape (even if belatedly). Excited for many wonderful talks this year! Announcements will go to the mailing list (sign up here: lmss.tech.cornell.edu)