Yaw Nyame
Asst Professor @uwurology @SeattleCCA. @OU_Football Fan. Maven wannabe. Opinions my own. L ≠ E.
ID: 73898759
https://www.washington.edu/urology/people/yaw-nyame-md/ 13-09-2009 14:55:32
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Excited to share our paper on Allostatic Load as a predictor of postoperative complications published in npj Journals Breast Cancer. rdcu.be/dKAK3 Ohio State Wexner Medical Center Surgery Dept. The James Ohio State WIMS #bcsm

Thrilled to learn we will be welcoming these two stars to the UW Mens Health family in July 2025!!!!

We are beyond thrilled to welcome Tiwa Akinsola, MD MS to UW Urology for our Society of Urologic Oncology fellowship! Daniel Lin Jonathan L Wright Yaw Nyame Claire de la Calle #JohnGore George R Schade #BillEllis Betsy Koehne Meera Chappidi

Congratulations to our UWUrologyResidents Tova Weiss and Lisa Zhang for their Genitourinary Reconstructive Surgery Matches!! It has been a pleasure to work with you in our department and can't wait to see what the future holds WashU Urology and Cleveland Clinic Urology!

🚨🚨 All urologists (including trainees)! Please help w/ this study. We show you prostate MRI, tell you where the tumor is, and ask you to circle it. Testing conventional MRI v RSI DrBagrodia Matt Cooperberg Juan Javier-DesLoges, MD, MS Josue Cortez-Reyes Register: my.ctri.ucsd.edu/surveys/?s=RWA…

On July 1st, two members of our department received promotions! We would like to extend a congratulations to Yaw Nyame! Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center Institute for Prostate Cancer Research Society of Urologic Oncology

Our group's work now out in BJU International, led by CCLCM student David Shin, Cleveland Clinic Urology intern Zaeem Lone , Amy Nowacki & Erick Remer demonstrating body morphometry analysis as a predictor of parastomal hernia after cystectomy bjui-journals.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/bj…

Peace Orji, MD, receives the ZSFG Krevans Award for her "excellence in patient care, as exemplified by clinical competence, professional conduct, concern for patients & interaction with all levels of staff, including peers." Congratulations✨ Peace Orji urology.ucsf.edu/news/all/20240…

Thank you to all who attended the RFJUS Mentorship Reception this past weekend at #NMANYC24 ✨ Thank you to R. Frank Jones Urological Society for hosting us. #Urology #AUA #AUAMembers

Huge milestone w/ our final celebratory The Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute CISTOStudy annual mtg Bladder Cancer Advocacy Network Think Tank: ✅recurrent high-risk NMIBC ✅572 patients, 36 sites nationwide ✅patient advocate input throughout ✅generalizable patient-centered results 📢Stay tuned for results in early 2025!

I announced to UW Urology on Thursday that after 16 years as Chair I will step down Oct. 1, staying @uw as UWP President & GURS PD. I prize the confidence my colleagues placed in me and all we accomplished together. In the words of Lao Tzu “do your work and then step back”

.American Cancer Society is proud to launch the ACS National Prostate Cancer Roundtable, a coalition of organizations catalyzing collective action to improve prostate cancer outcomes across the nation. Visit our website to learn more: npcrt.org

As ACS Chair of the new American Cancer Society National Prostate Cancer Roundtable, I’d like to thank our Chair William Oh MD, Vice-Chair Yaw Nyame, and Steering Committee for stepping up to lead this coalition dedicated to improving prostate cancer outcomes. bit.ly/4g9wkf3