St Gabriel's Year 1
The class Twitter for Year 1 @StGabrielsCofE; part of the @RainbowEduMAT.
ID: 1314126642416095232
08-10-2020 08:53:34
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Welcome back year 1, you have come back amazing! Look at the maths we have been up to today. St Gabrielās C of E. Rainbow Education MAT

Look at our amazing music lesson that we had today! We have also sang we had an amazing time. St Gabrielās C of E. Rainbow Education MAT

We had an amazing time in maths looking at comparing animals. Rainbow Education MAT St Gabrielās C of E.

We had an amazing time looking at British Values. We looked at what we agree disagree with. But they all agreed they loved school! Rainbow Education MAT St Gabrielās C of E.

Thank you so much for coming in and watching us bury our time capsule. We had an amazing time ! Rainbow Education MAT St Gabrielās C of E.

We had an amazing time learning about healthy eating and how to keep our bodies healthy. Rainbow Education MAT St Gabrielās C of E.

We have had an amazing time at church today. We learnt all about harvest and had a look at the different parts and why we are thankful. Rainbow Education MAT St Gabrielās C of E.

We have had a great time celebrating Rainbow trusts 10th birthday Rainbow Education MAT St Gabrielās C of E.

We had an amazing time in music learning some new dances. St Gabrielās C of E.

Year 1 had a wonderful day at Chester zoo, comparing all of the animals. St Gabrielās C of E.

Well done to year 1 for winning the attendance trophy 3 weeks in a row š. St Gabrielās C of E.

Year 1 have loved wearing their own clothes and pyjamas today to raise money and awareness for BBC Children in Need. St Gabrielās C of E.

Year 1 had some visitors in class today āŗļø Thank you to all our families who attended our KS1 maths come and see event. St Gabrielās C of E.

Year 1 worked really hard in Art this afternoon learning the technique of cross hatching and also learning about contrasting colours šØ. St Gabrielās C of E.