Richman Nwoke (@xtribe4life) 's Twitter Profile
Richman Nwoke


On a Bone marrow transplant journey

ID: 4280076203

calendar_today26-11-2015 01:03:21

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103 Following

Richman Nwoke (@xtribe4life) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Exchange Transfusion today.Chemo starts tomorrow then radiation.Bone marrow transplant loading.... #sicklecellwarriors #miracleinthemaking #sicklecellusa #bonemarrowtransplant #chemotherapy #breakthesilence #sicklecelldisease #chronicpainwarriors #perseverance #igotthis #survivor

Exchange Transfusion today.Chemo starts tomorrow then radiation.Bone marrow transplant loading.... #sicklecellwarriors #miracleinthemaking #sicklecellusa #bonemarrowtransplant #chemotherapy #breakthesilence #sicklecelldisease #chronicpainwarriors #perseverance #igotthis #survivor
Richman Nwoke (@xtribe4life) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Selfie i took on my way home from the hospitaI had gone back to the hospital for 5 nights cos I had a high fever but I'm back home with hopes to continue to get better🙏🏾The mask is part of my everyday fashion😷Grateful for how far I've come on my journey🙌🏾 #sicklecellwarriors

Selfie i took on my way home from the hospitaI had gone back to the hospital for 5 nights cos I had a high fever but I'm back home with hopes to continue to get better🙏🏾The mask is part of my everyday fashion😷Grateful for how far I've come on my journey🙌🏾 #sicklecellwarriors
Richman Nwoke (@xtribe4life) 's Twitter Profile Photo

A quick update.My body is retaining fluid which is a side effect of the steroids I'm currently taking. Had to be put on steroids due to #gvhd (graft versus host disease).Gvhd is when the……

Richman Nwoke (@xtribe4life) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Today Marks my 100th day post transplant🙂 It's a major milestone for stem cell recipients!It means my cell have engrafted and now making healthy cells.The port in my chest was removed……

Richman Nwoke (@xtribe4life) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Day 163 after transplant. Still doing great🙏🏾I'm glad to be back into society cos I was isolated from the world for a min😂I'm hoping I'll get cleared to go back to work soon!Currently……

Richman Nwoke (@xtribe4life) 's Twitter Profile Photo

9/25/18 TRANSPLANT DAY, a day that changed my life forever!A year today I was given a second chance to live through my lil sister's _princessn95_ stem cells🙏🏾From losing my little brother to sickle cell to having……

👑Bling (@blingfiapp) 's Twitter Profile Photo

1/ #GIVEAWAY TIME AGAIN! 🙌 One lucky user will win 300,000,000 👑Bling Points. Ends Sept 14. 🥳 To enter: 1. Follow us 2. Retweet this 3. Reply telling us your favorite Bling game and why

1/ #GIVEAWAY TIME AGAIN! 🙌 One lucky user will win 300,000,000 👑Bling Points. Ends Sept 14. 🥳 To enter:

1. Follow us
2. Retweet this
3. Reply telling us your favorite Bling game and why
LeBron James (@kingjames) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Appreciate the love!! That's so 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥. Been a helluva ride up to this point. More to come! #Year20 👑

Kyledoops (@kyledoops) 's Twitter Profile Photo

1/10) A thread on why I (a renowned bear) believe we are approaching maximum opportunity, and how I plan on buying at/near the bottom, all whilst practicing solid risk management. #Bitcoin Please retweet, and I shall explain my thinking process 🙃

1/10) A thread on why I (a renowned bear)  believe we are approaching maximum opportunity, and how I plan on buying at/near the bottom, all whilst practicing solid risk management. #Bitcoin 

Please retweet, and I shall explain my thinking process 🙃
Richman Nwoke (@xtribe4life) 's Twitter Profile Photo

I just took action to support innovation and the crypto industry. Your voice matters, join today!…