Xiaofei Yang (@xiaofeiyang14) 's Twitter Profile
Xiaofei Yang


Group Leader at CAS-JIC centre for Excellence of Plant and Microbial Sciences (CEPAMS)
Studying RNA Biology in Plants

ID: 1194360967951466496

calendar_today12-11-2019 21:07:14

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74 Following

Xiaofei Yang (@xiaofeiyang14) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Antisense oligonucleotides target a nearly invariant structural element from the SARS-CoV-2 genome and drive RNA degradation biorxiv.org/content/10.110…

Saskia Hogenhout (@saskiahogenhout) 's Twitter Profile Photo

1.Now online! SAP05 protein effectors of the obligate parasite #phytoplasma simultaneously prolong plant lifespan and induce witch’s broom-like proliferations. #ZombiePlants #Parasite #MPMI #plantpath #plantsci. biorxiv.org/cgi/content/sh…

1.Now online! SAP05 protein effectors of the obligate parasite #phytoplasma simultaneously prolong plant lifespan and induce witch’s broom-like proliferations. #ZombiePlants #Parasite #MPMI #plantpath #plantsci. biorxiv.org/cgi/content/sh…
DingLab (@dinglab_plants) 's Twitter Profile Photo

As a supervisor, one of the most proud things and achievements I have is that the student’s success ⁦Bruno Ngou⁩. Check our peer-reviewed publication - just got online ⁦@nature⁩ nature.com/articles/s4158…

Pan Zhu (@panzhu_wlu) 's Twitter Profile Photo

My first project in Caroline Dean, so lucky to study COOLAIR and was not beaten by the complexity of it. Thanks for all of the nice collaborators, learned so much during the preparation of the manuscript. And most importantly thanks a lot for the reviewers!

Everton (@everton) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Two big penalty saves from the outstanding Jordan Pickford in the shootout, but it wasn't to be for England in the end. You've done us proud, lads! 💙 #EURO2020 #ENG

Two big penalty saves from the outstanding <a href="/JPickford1/">Jordan Pickford</a> in the shootout, but it wasn't to be for <a href="/England/">England</a> in the end. 

You've done us proud, lads! 💙 

#EURO2020 #ENG
Congyao Xu (@congyaoxu) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Quantitative regulation: A tug of war on length - termination or elongation leads to repression or activation! Check out pnas.org/content/118/47…. Caroline Dean

Quantitative regulation: A tug of war on length - termination or elongation leads to repression or activation! Check out pnas.org/content/118/47….
<a href="/CarolineDeanLab/">Caroline Dean</a>
Genome Biology (@genomebiology) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Polysome profiling and mRNA structure analysis in tetraploid durum wheat from Xiaofei Yang, Haopeng Yu, Yiliang Ding, Zhang & co. mRNA structure has large impact on translation, with marked differences between the two subgenomes. Conserved ribSNitches genomebiology.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.11…

Polysome profiling and mRNA structure analysis in tetraploid durum wheat from <a href="/XiaofeiYang14/">Xiaofei Yang</a>, <a href="/HaopengYu/">Haopeng Yu</a>, <a href="/YiliangDing/">Yiliang Ding</a>, Zhang &amp; co. mRNA structure has large impact on translation, with marked differences between the two subgenomes. Conserved ribSNitches  genomebiology.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.11…
Kwok Lab (@kitkwok6) 's Twitter Profile Photo

New #KwokLab paper: Identification and targeting of G-quadruplex structures in MALAT1 long non-coding RNA academic.oup.com/nar/advance-ar… Congratulations to all the authors! Nucleic Acids Res CityU Department of Chemistry CityU Hong Kong

Building Robustness in Crops (@bric_isp) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Congratulations to Susan Duncan, our GENius of the Month! For developing single molecule RNA FISH experiments, studying the role of RNA structure, her co-first author paper in Nucleic Acids Research and supporting new starters in the lab. John Innes Centre Lars Ostergaard

Congratulations to <a href="/sduncan015/">Susan Duncan</a>, our GENius of the Month! For developing single molecule RNA FISH experiments, studying the role of RNA structure, her co-first author paper in Nucleic Acids Research and supporting new starters in the lab. <a href="/JohnInnesCentre/">John Innes Centre</a> <a href="/larsostergaard/">Lars Ostergaard</a>
Junjie Guo 郭俊傑 (@guo_lab) 's Twitter Profile Photo

New preprint alert‼️ In collaboration with Pasha Ivanov at HMS, and as a sequel to our 2016 RNA G-quadruplex paper, we show that RG4 folding is induced by a variety of stresses and stabilizes RG4-containing RNAs in mammalian cells biorxiv.org/content/10.110…

D. E. Shaw Research (@deshawresearch) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Our article “How does a small molecule bind at a cryptic binding site?” has been published in PLOS Computational Biology. doi.org/10.1371/journa…

Our article “How does a small molecule bind at a cryptic binding site?” has been published in PLOS Computational Biology. doi.org/10.1371/journa…
Yiliang Ding (@yiliangding) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Two preprints on the RNA G-quadruplex functions in response to stress in plants and human!!! RNA G-quadruplex structure contributes to cold adaptation in plants. Our new preprint from the lab with Kwok Lab. biorxiv.org/content/10.110…

Yiliang Ding (@yiliangding) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Two preprints on the new role of RNA G-quadruplex in stress response in plants Kwok Lab (biorxiv.org/content/10.110…) and in human from Junjie Guo 郭俊傑 and Pasha Ivanov's lab! G-quadruplex rocks🚀🚀🚀

Yiliang Ding (@yiliangding) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Members of our CAS-JIC Centre, CEPAMS CEPAMS had a successful visit in UK during JIC John Innes Centre annual science meeting. Many collaborations have been established👍Looking forward to many exciting scientific breakthroughs between UK and China groups!!!

Members of our CAS-JIC Centre, CEPAMS <a href="/CepamsGenius/">CEPAMS</a> had a successful visit in UK during JIC <a href="/JohnInnesCentre/">John Innes Centre</a> annual science meeting. Many collaborations have been established👍Looking forward to many exciting scientific breakthroughs between UK and China groups!!!