Western United Dairy
WUD is a voluntary membership organization representing more than 60% of the milk produced in California.
ID: 394326317
http://www.westernuniteddairymen.com 19-10-2011 22:21:58
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California Dairies working hard to stay sustainable & viable!!!! Western United Dairy #myONEpointofview

Have you seen the letter to Californians from Karen Ross in your local paper? Read it here: californiagrown.org/california-agr… to find out how choosing #CAGROWN helps our farmers, farm workers & economy. #stillfarming Calif Food and Ag #California

Thank you Karen Ross for your continued support of CA #agriculture bakersfieldnow.com/news/local/how…

We agree 💯percent with this editorial in today's The Independent Newspaper & Magazine independentnews.com/editorials/pro…

According to U.S. EPA, it's better to utilize #foodwaste for animal feed than to compost it. So why is CA reversing course with #AB2959? Ben Allen Senator Pat Bates Henry Stern Senator Brian Dahle ecowatch.com/food-waste-env…

Here's what U.S. EPA says we should be doing with organic #foodwaste. #AB2959 turns this triangle upside down, hurting CA Retailers Association CA Grocers Assoc. Western United Dairy @CalRestaurants struggling during #COVID19. Ben Allen Senator Pat Bates Henry Stern Nancy Skinner Bob Wieckowski

The highest and best uses of #foodwaste are to humans and then animals. #AB2959 hurts CA's efforts to reduce #foodwaste going to landfills. That's why it's opposed by CA Grocers Assoc. CA Retailers Association Western United Dairy restaurants. bloombergquint.com/gadfly/there-s…

Thank you Western United Dairy for joining our efforts to defeat #AB2959, which hurts dairy farmers, drives up food costs & sets back CA's organic #foodwaste recycling efforts Henry Stern Toni G. Atkins Senator Pat Bates Senator Brian Dahle Henry Stern