Thanks for making the World Congress 2019 a massive success. See you in Vancouver @WCICC21 in 2021! Mod by @DavidKuICUMelb #wcic19
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https://www.worldcongressintensivecare2019.com/ 01-11-2017 04:50:33
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I have great respect and admiration for these people. Really important to hear what civilian medical care can learn from the military #WCIC19 Michael Reade

WorldCongressICU Australian College of Critical Care Nurses ANZICS #wcic19. Time to say goodbye. Well done Gabby and Steve.

Congratulations A/Prof Lee-anne Chapple on receiving a prestigious Intensive Care Foundation research Grant to investigate muscle health and augmented Protein Delivery WorldCongressICU Critical Care Nutrition #ICURehab #wcic19

Huge thanks WorldCongressICU LeanneAitken et al. Congratulations Julia Pilowsky

#WCIC19 WorldCongressICU is done. Great conference. We hope to build.on this and see everyone @WCCC21 #wccc21 CCCTG Canadian Sepsis Foundation Canadian Critical Care Society

Thanks ANZICS Abi Beane David Pilcher Sue Huckson & Jan Alexander for your work on making ‘data everybody’s business everyday’ by showing the way to the next generation in clinical informatics. WorldCongressICU #wcic19

VUSN Asst. Dean Ruth Kleinpell was elected to the Council of the World Federation of Intensive & Critical Care last week. Congratulations Ruth (2nd from left, back)! BTW, she's the lone nurse elected to the board. #wcic19 WorldCongressICU

Committee Spotlight: Alison Fox-Robichaud Alison Fox-Robichaud, MD is Co-Chair of #WCCC21. From being a professor at McMaster University to an Intensivist and Director of Medical Education at Hamilton Health Sciences Alison is a clinical scientist and leader in #sepsis research worldcriticalcarecongress21.com/committee/alis…

Committee Spotlight: Claudio Martin Claudio Martin- Chair of #WCCC21 is a Professor, Dept of Medicine & Attending Physician of Critical Care at London Health Sciences Centre. He is the Past President of Canadian Critical Care Society & now focuses on population health research. worldcriticalcarecongress21.com/committee/clau… #sepsis

We had such a delightful time at WorldCongressICU #WCIC19 in #Melbourne back in October that we wanted to share the fun had at the #WCCC21 booth - pics: worldcriticalcarecongress21.com/photos Showcasing #Vancouver #2021 #maplesyrup #props Alison Fox-Robichaud, MD CACCN Claudio Martin Canadian Critical Care Society

The latest iteration of the @ANZICS #COVID19 Guidelines (Version 2) is now available! Many thanks to the #COVID19 working group, led so effectively by the editorial group, for their tireless efforts on behalf of the Society. CICM Australian College of Critical Care Nurses anzics.com.au/coronavirus-gu…

Due to COVID-19 there is no face-to-face meeting for the iSRRS this year We're currently exploring a virtual meeting Helen Haskell Dr. Randy Wax Alison Fox-Robichaud, MD Alex Psirides Int SRRS ANZICS SG ANZICS Chris Subbe John Welch @leldurham Mandy Odell Anne Lippert @CCC_Outreach Jibran Majeed Alison V Phillips 💙

A year ago today, seems a life time away. Sincerely hope our colleagues and friends from all over the world are keeping safe, looking after one another, and some day we’ll be together once more World Congress of Intensive & Critical Care 2021