Ms. Woodams Gifted Teacher @ Crestwood Elem.
A devoted Gifted teacher at Crestwood Elementary. Building a solid foundation through mathematics, language arts, and STEM integration in the classroom.
ID: 962837302425935873
11-02-2018 23:54:36
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2nd grade scientists creating our class anchor chart about magnetism! HAEST HCPSElemScience @HCPS_STEM #hcpsstemtober

This 2nd grade scholar is sharing her academic vocabulary word wall card after investigating how magnets make things move! HAEST HCPSElemScience @HCPS_STEM #hcpsstemtober

All of 4th grade came out for Day 4 of Hole and Hill LTI as Mr. Marcus dug the hole! Students made observational sketches in their science notebooks and will follow the changes that occur over the next few weeks! HAEST HCPSElemScience Hillsborough Schools @HCPS_STEM

Putting the finishing touches on our STEM Fair projects! This has been my favorite year yet! Birds, plants, rockets(balloons) and more! Students have been observing changes, recording and analyzing data! HCPSElemScience HAEST GiftedHCPS