Dr. Wonuola Yomi-Odedeyi (@wonuolayomiode) 's Twitter Profile
Dr. Wonuola Yomi-Odedeyi


ID: 1644646866

calendar_today04-08-2013 07:56:40

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63 Following

HDSB Experiential Learning (@hdsbccel) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Sustainable future projects Joshua Creek in @shannnColvin's grade 8 class. Empowering inquiring minds as good ancestors for a sustainable earth. This is how we roll HDSB .

Advocacy Peel - Tim Vining (@timvining) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Anti-racism, diversity training under threat, say Black community leaders at Queen's Park rally cp24.com/news/anti-raci… via @cp24

Teachers Unite (@teachers__unite) 's Twitter Profile Photo

The following chart compares TDSB raises, TO Police raises, and inflation for the past 11 years. It's interesting that despite rampant recent inflation, one group of workers has managed to keep pace with inflation. 5% over 4 years isn't fair. #onted #etfo #osstf #oecta #aefo

The following chart compares TDSB raises, TO Police raises, and inflation for the past 11 years. It's interesting that despite rampant recent inflation, one group of workers has managed to keep pace with inflation. 5% over 4 years isn't fair. #onted #etfo #osstf #oecta #aefo
Dr. Wonuola Yomi-Odedeyi (@wonuolayomiode) 's Twitter Profile Photo

United front against key note's speaker's perpetuation of harm at OSSTF Communications provincial inaugural triennial Anti racism anti oppression conference for anti racism officers. Keynote speaker gaslighting marginalised people! OSSTF Communications we deserve better. #Vet keynote speakers

United front against key note's speaker's perpetuation of harm at <a href="/osstf/">OSSTF Communications</a> provincial inaugural triennial Anti racism anti oppression conference  for anti racism officers.  Keynote speaker gaslighting marginalised people! <a href="/osstf/">OSSTF Communications</a>  we deserve better.  #Vet keynote speakers
Dr. Wonuola Yomi-Odedeyi (@wonuolayomiode) 's Twitter Profile Photo

"Creating growth & developmental opportunities for racialised education leaders in southern Ontario schools Presented by Wonuola Yomi-Odedeyi" speakers.decolonizingconference.ca/schedule.html#…