International Journal of Women's Health care and G (@womensh13857971) 's Twitter Profile
International Journal of Women's Health care and G


Journal aims to publish high quality papers in all major areas of Women's Health and Gynecology research

ID: 1106906512058806272

link calendar_today16-03-2019 13:14:12

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International Journal of Women's Health care and G (@womensh13857971) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Perinatal Psychosocial Assessment: What are the Views of Health Professionals Working in the Private Obstetric Sector? for more visit…

Perinatal Psychosocial Assessment: What are the Views of Health Professionals Working in the Private Obstetric Sector?
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International Journal of Women's Health care and G (@womensh13857971) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura with Inaugural Manifestation Being a Heavy Menstrual Bleeding: A Case Report for more visit…

Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura with Inaugural Manifestation Being a Heavy Menstrual Bleeding: A Case Report
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International Journal of Women's Health care and G (@womensh13857971) 's Twitter Profile Photo

NEW DELHI: Odisha’s eight-year-old state-run maternity scheme and focus on social development has put it ahead of other states in #women and children's health indicators, for more visit…

NEW DELHI: Odisha’s eight-year-old state-run maternity scheme and focus on social development has put it ahead of other states in #women and children's health indicators, 
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International Journal of Women's Health care and G (@womensh13857971) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Women with past history of D&C excluded; **Women with past history of MVA excluded; MCI: Marginal cord insertion; OR: Odds ratio; CI: Confidence interval; MVA: Manual vacuum aspiration; D&C: Dilatation & curettage for more visit…

Women  with  past  history  of  D&C  excluded; **Women  with past  history  of  MVA  excluded; MCI:  Marginal cord  insertion; OR: Odds ratio; CI: Confidence interval; MVA: Manual vacuum aspiration; D&C: Dilatation & curettage
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International Journal of Women's Health care and G (@womensh13857971) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Hysterectomy is the most common gyneacological major surgery performed for indications like abnormal uterine bleeding (fibroids, adenomyosis), pelvic inflammatory disease. for more visit…

Hysterectomy  is  the  most  common  gyneacological  major  surgery  performed  for  indications  like abnormal uterine bleeding (fibroids, adenomyosis), pelvic inflammatory disease.
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