Monumental Welsh Women
Team behind the first ever statues of real Welsh women in Wales. Press Enquiries: [email protected]
ID: 1128224356889518080
14-05-2019 09:03:42
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The final piece in ITV Wales News special series on #MonumentalWelshWomen and our campaign for statues honouring Wales’ #HiddenHeroines looks at the legacy of Cranogwen and the statue unveiled of her in 2023 #5Women5Statues5Years…
👌 DON'T MISS! #MonumentalWelshWomen campaign includes OUR 2022 PSSA Marsh #PublicVoteAward WINNER Betty Campbell statue by Eve Shepherd
Happy International Women’s Day to our Mount Stuart Community, friends & fabulous women 🥰❤️👑🏴 Vaughan Gething Jeremy Miles Jane Hutt Race Council Cymru Monumental Welsh Women Charlotte Williams OBE Mel Godfrey
2 years ago today unveiling of #elainmorgan status Thank you Monumental Welsh Women #castlefineartsfoundry Cerith Mathias Kate Lewis and Rhiannon Wilkins for lovely coverage of #ElaineMorganStatue unveiling ❤️
🙏 Thank you! At OUR 'Commissioning and erecting Public Sculpture' WEBINAR Eve Shepherd discussed her Betty Campbell statue Cardiff The importance of research for storytelling and not to 'skirt over deep rooted issues'as Betty represented Black history locally and internationally
Studio Response / Stwdio Ymateb Sean Edwards Emma Price and Jo Breckon discussed the exciting Monumental Welsh Women project and how they were keen to commission artists who would bring an energy and rather than produce 'a man on a plinth' format - instead create public sculptures that tell the story and bring it to life
Happy International Sculpture Day!! Monumental Welsh Women Betty Campbell by Eve Shepherd, Elaine Morgan by Emma Rodgers & Cranogwen by Sebastian Boyesen #publicart
We are handcasting with artist Jane Robbins at The Riverfront today. Lending 40 hands for Statue for Lady Rhondda! Monumental Welsh Women Studio Response / Stwdio Ymateb
Find out why my hand has just been moulded on ITV Wales News at 6! Monumental Welsh Women #ladyrhondda #5statues
Two fabulous days working with Jane Robbins and Chris from Castle Fine Arts Foundry creating moulds of the hands of some truly inspiring women of Newport and beyond to be included in the statue of Lady Rhondda. #monumentalwelshwomen #statue4ladyrhondda #riverfrontnewport
Monumental Welsh Women Bonnie is our kind of traveler! #HerstoricalMonuments
Fantastic day filming something very special in the #Cardiff sunshine with Eve Shepherd Molyneux Associates & Studio Response / Stwdio Ymateb ☀️ More info coming soon! 👀 #BettyCampbellMonument #MonumentalWelshWomen