Wanderley Bernardo
Professor de Medicina
ID: 2233500709
06-12-2013 20:30:07
28 Tweet
51 Following

#coronarvirusitalia : aggiornamento: 25-2, ore 16.00 Mappa Fondazione GIMBE 288 casi confermati in Italia. Segnalate imprecisioni e integrazioni, grazie. #coronavirus #coronavirusitalia #coronavirusitalianews #CoronaVirusitaly #COVID19italia #covid19 #covid19italy #COVID19

Roberto Burioni Fondazione GIMBE Nell’aggiornamento delle 18 casi Totali 322.

#coronavirus: modello predittivo Fondazione GIMBE per #Cina sembra funzionare: tra 15 e 20 marzo stop incremento casi Presto quello per #Italia Roberto Speranza Walter Ricciardi #COVID19Italia #COVID19Italy #COVID19 #COVIDー19 #CoronaVirusitaly #coronavirusitalianews #COVID_2019 #COVID

Trisha Greenhalgh Dear Trisha People do not understand what is airborne and neither airborne transmission. Because of this they do not understand the implications and neither what they need to do to reduce the risk of transmission.

I am delighted to welcome Wanderley Bernardo as the new Chair of the GIN Iberoamerica Regional Community! Many thanks to the outgoing Chair, Rodrigo Pardo, for his leadership of the group over past years.

The precautionary principle, by Carl Heneghan open.substack.com/pub/trusttheev…

"EBP saves lives and shortens hospital stays" is a model to be reproduced, and stimulates the use of EBM for benefit Amanda Burls #EBPimpact