Wisbech Society
Wisbech Society & Preservation Trust Ltd working to preserve/enhance our #Georgian Market Town Birthplace of #OctaviaHill #WilliamGodwin #ThomasClarkson
ID: 2298249487
http://www.wisbech-society.co.uk 18-01-2014 17:24:12
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The Wisbech corn exchange is open all this week as part of Heritage Open Days in 1963 it hosted The Rolling Stones Keith Richards Mick Jagger. Listen again here for some great memories: bbc.co.uk/programmes/p0g… with Dotty McLeod Wisbech Society 1h 25m into show. Kerry Devine

We are please to announce that we are hosting After Dark at Octavia Hill’s in association with helen griffin&fenlandmuseum. Refreshments provided by @facinatingfoods. Book online to avoid disappointment. OctaviaHill.org/afterdark

One week to go until the next Tour For All from Peterborough Museum & Art Gallery. It’s a city tour specifically designed to be accessible for people with additional needs and disabilities. We explore the city’s history by touch and small features. 1pm, 4th November. Free! @rnib Deafblind UK 🦼

This month we are very happy to shine a light on Wisbech Society. "Wisbech Society and Preservation Trust is working harder than ever to safeguard the history and heritage of Wisbech" Read more about the charity: buff.ly/4dqYbVT #Wisbech #Fenland #Charity