Wim Deblauwe
Software Engineer. Writes mostly Java. Author of "Taming Thymeleaf". Blogs at wimdeblauwe.com. YouTube: youtube.com/@WimDeblauwe
ID: 140512058
https://www.wimdeblauwe.com/ 05-05-2010 17:46:09
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735 Following

I love Spring REST Docs and Asciidoctor Project for documentation of a REST API. Might be a little more work than adding OpenAPI/Swagger, but the result is much nicer IMO.

Taming Thymeleaf by Wim Deblauwe is on sale on Leanpub! Its suggested price is $24.99; get it for $22.49 with this coupon: leanpub.com/sh/9fGJjXx3 Wim Deblauwe #Java #Html #WebDevelopment #Software

htmx-spring-boot is now on start.spring.io 🎉 Thank you Moritz Halbritter for making this possible.

I feel the same about the official Thymeleaf Project docs.