Willem de Koster
Cultuursocioloog | Master Politics & Society Erasmus Universiteit eur.nl/en/master/poli…
ID: 856946694
http://www.willemdekoster.nl 01-10-2012 20:10:54
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How can the educational divide in climate change attitudes be understood? 🎓🌍 Our new article in Global Environmental Change, with Anne Hoekstra, Willem de Koster, and Jeroen van der Waal, tests the role of scientific knowledge and subjective social status. 1/6 👉 sciencedirect.com/science/articl…
De formerende partijen schreven een akkoord waar ‘rechts Nederland zijn vingers bij aflikt’. In @Trouw schrijven Willem de Koster, Jeroen van der Waal en ik dat de leefwereld van bewindslieden ook een rol speelt bij hoe de plannen worden ontvangen. 👇 trouw.nl/opinie/een-vol…
Does receiving new information on the EU lead to loving the EU? And is this the case for all people equally? In a new publication in Journal of European Integration, @WillemdeKoster, Jeroen van der Waal and I test this. 1/6 tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.10…
A PhD student in survey methodology/#data quality is being recruited by GESIS 🇩🇪. The successful candidate will monitor fieldwork and analyse socio-demographics and non-response bias in our #survey. The deadline for applications is Sunday 9 June. leibniz-gemeinschaft.de/karriere/stell…
De evaluatie van #schoolontbijtjes in #Rotterdam in NRC vandaag. Goed werk van collega's Joost Oude Groeniger, Fleur ter Ellen en Dorien Beeres. Erasmus MC Erasmus MC Public Health! Geloven in de Wijk #Rotterdam Carola Schouten Martine Kamsma
European Social Survey Round 11 first data release is now live! New module on gender plus a repeat on health as well as our core time series! europeansocialsurvey.org/news/article/r…
Theoretisch geschoolden maken zich grotere zorgen over klimaatverandering en hebben meer vertrouwen in klimaatwetenschap. Op Sociale Vraagstukken bespreken Anne Hoekstra, Willem de Koster, Jeroen v/d Waal en ik hoe deze opleidingskloof begrepen kan worden.👇1/9 socialevraagstukken.nl/kennis-en-erva…
Theoretically educated people are more concerned about climate change and confident about climate science than less-educated people. According researchers from Erasmus University, knowledge and perceived social status explain the difference. socialevraagstukken.nl/kennis-en-erva…
🚨 We are hiring! 🚨 Searching for a tenure-track Assistant Professor in Economic Sociology to join us at Boston University. We offer a 2/2 teaching load, competitive salary, wonderful colleagues ;) More info? Feel free to DM! Deadline: October 1. Apply here: academicjobsonline.org/ajo?apply-1117…
Excited to launch my European Research Council (ERC) Starting Grant at @UCL! I will hire Predoc/RAs starting early 2025 and a PhD Student + Postdoc starting Autumn 2025. Experience with admin data, linked employer-employee data, causal inference are a plus. Sounds like you? Get in touch!