Nina Wilén
Research Director Africa, Egmont Institute; Assoc Prof Lund Uni; xEIC @Intl_Peacekeeping, Global Fellow PRIO, #war #gender #military #Africa Tweets R personal
ID: 2874914885
13-11-2014 10:45:18
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📄𝗡𝗘𝗪 𝗣𝗨𝗕𝗟𝗜𝗖𝗔𝗧𝗜𝗢𝗡 🧵(1/5) Africa is experiencing a (re)turn to authoritarian rule and armed conflict in the midst of global power competition, mirroring similar tendencies globally #Africa #Coups Nina Wilén Egmont Institute LSE Blogs bit.ly/47foNax

En #Afrique, les juntes perdent leur bras de fer avec les djihadistes: "C'est une question de temps avant qu'il n'y ait un nouveau coup d'#État" #Sahel #Mali #BurkinaFaso #Niger via La Libre Hubertleclercq Nina Wilén lalibre.be/international/…

🧵(2/5) One reason for the new coup wave is exactly that: the long history of coups creating a self-fulfilling precedent. The more coups a state has experienced, the more likely it is to see more #Africa #Coups Nina Wilén Egmont Institute LSE Blogs bit.ly/47foNax

Three factors are behind the recent wave of coups in #Africa | Africa at LSE #Sahel via Egmont Institute & Nina Wilén blogs.lse.ac.uk/africaatlse/20…

🧵(3/5) A second reason is the military institution’s central position in the states which have experienced coups. This is partly a legacy from the colonial period when relatively strong security forces served the colonail purposes #Africa #Coups Nina Wilén Egmont Institute

🧵(4/5) Finally, potential plotters are encouraged by the prospect of impunity as a consequence of the current global power competition #Africa #Coups Nina Wilén Egmont Institute LSE Blogs bit.ly/47foNax

🧵(5/5) The recent coup wave in Africa has reinforced the democratic decline the region witnessed over the past few years, which was further entrenched during the Covid-19 pandemic #Africa #Coups Nina Wilén Egmont Institute LSE Blogs bit.ly/47foNax

A collective failure. The Guardian: “Gender equality stalling or going backwards for 1bn women and girls.” “‘Dismal’ lack of progress leaves women and girls facing litany of abuses – with no country on track for equality” theguardian.com/global-develop…

Western actors gave explicit support for the re-establishment of the state which implicitly entailed supporting -often corrupt- governments in place, yet failed to prevent regime change #Russia #Sahel Jack Watling Nina Wilén RUSI Egmont Institute tinyurl.com/y9d7697h

From the perspective of the military juntas, maintaining engagement with the Western partners thus also risks their bid to stay in power, due to the limited results against enemies #Russia #Sahel Jack Watling Nina Wilén RUSI Egmont Institute tinyurl.com/y9d7697h