Anna Moss (@wildwoodreverie) 's Twitter Profile
Anna Moss


Pagan leaning vegan feminist with low nonsense threshold. LGBTQ+ and ally.

ID: 1501957433517826057

calendar_today10-03-2022 16:25:56

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Dave Ward (@davewardgs) 's Twitter Profile Photo

I’m on my way to address hundreds of striking postal workers in Chelmsford. RT this so I can tell them they have massive support out there. We are going to save our members jobs and the service they provide. #StandByYourPost

Enough is Enough (@eiecampaign) 's Twitter Profile Photo

If Royal Mail execs have their way, it'll be the end of your local postie. They dished out £2 billion to shareholders in recent years. But it's never enough. Now they want to turn it into a gig economy company. That’s why 115,000 are on strike. RT if you’re behind them 💌

Bill Davis. (@billdavisllc) 's Twitter Profile Photo

The Liver King was on $12,000 a month of Steroid injections to promote his supplement company and all meat diet. He bragged about making over $100M and claimed repeatedly to be all natural. Men have some strange fitness role models. Eat your greens and avoid grifters.

The Liver King was on $12,000 a month of Steroid injections to promote his supplement company and all meat diet. He bragged about making over $100M and claimed repeatedly to be all natural. Men have some strange fitness role models. Eat your greens and avoid grifters.
Elwood's Organic Dog Meat 🥩 (@elwooddogmeat) 's Twitter Profile Photo

By now you’ve probably heard about our glass dog & puppy display case at Radisson Blu—it broke open 100s of feet above the foyer, killing all 1500 dogs. We’re devastated by this news as this display was designed to bring joy to humans & we never considered the dogs’ lives at all.

Anna Moss (@wildwoodreverie) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Oi, Tories. We see right through you. Nurses aren't at fault. Ambulance drivers and posties aren't at fault. Your sad transparent attempts to grind down workers are the problem so do us all a favour and pack it in.

Anna Moss (@wildwoodreverie) 's Twitter Profile Photo

I must have been especially bad this year cos Santa bought me COVID, hideous menstual cramps and a broken filling. Cheers for that, big red. 🤣🤣🤣

Enough is Enough (@eiecampaign) 's Twitter Profile Photo

🚨 BREAKING: GOVT LAUNCHES ATTACK ON RIGHT TO STRIKE • New law will force workers to work against their will • Nurses, teachers, firefighters & more targeted • Workers to be sacked if they refuse to cross pickets Join the campaign to fight back:

CWU (@cwunews) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Tomorrow Rishi Sunak will launch an all out attack on the right to strike. RT if you stand with every single union that chooses to make a stand and fight on behalf of their members. It’s time to pick a side.

Trades Union Congress (@the_tuc) 's Twitter Profile Photo

BREAKING🚨| The government has announced anti-strike legislation. When workers democratically vote to strike, they can be forced to work and sacked if they don’t. This is wrong, unworkable, and almost certainly illegal.

NHS Nurses (@socialistnhs) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Sajid Javid calls for an introduction of a £20 fee to see GP and a £66 charge for A&E visits If the Tories get their way this will be the end of the NHS as we know it If you'll fight this with us please reply with a 💙. #OurNHS

Enough is Enough (@eiecampaign) 's Twitter Profile Photo

500,000 workers take strike action today. They are taking on corporate and government greed and power. RT if you back every single individual who is on the picket lines today. #EnoughIsEnough

Anna Moss (@wildwoodreverie) 's Twitter Profile Photo

People died alone while scumbag Johnson and his cronies drank and partied. The lot of them are beneath contempt. I wouldn't piss on them if they were on fire.

Anna Moss (@wildwoodreverie) 's Twitter Profile Photo

British Horseracing Authority: Ban horse racing in the UK before more horses purposelessly die - Sign the Petition! via UK

bobbiedoll.eth🔪‎ (@dollpartz84) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Known as “Holocaust Remembrance Day” in English, Yom HaShoah commemorates the lives of the six million Jews who perished in the Holocaust between 1933 and 1945.

Known as “Holocaust Remembrance Day” in English, Yom HaShoah commemorates the lives of the six million Jews who perished in the Holocaust between 1933 and 1945.
We are Childfree (@wearechildfree) 's Twitter Profile Photo

.UPS UK one of your drivers crashed into us and wrote off our car in June. Admiral still haven't closed the case as they're waiting for you to respond, and we're at legal risk until you do - even though you indicated you were at fault months ago. Can anyone there help?