Have you tried our milk yet? Our 5 star status is a reflection of what we do. We are very proud to produce high quality organic milk with a difference. #attentiontodetail #cowcalfdairy #womenindairy
Read about who we are on our website: wictonfarm.co.uk
Are you looking for somewhere different to take your dog? We have a safe and secure "Wild Pet Paddock". Let your dog explore this natural space whilst you relax and enjoy an Organic Hot Chocolate or Coffee from our Coffee Cabin. Book via our website : wictonfarm.co.uk/visit-the-wildβ¦
Cleaning out the water troughs - this is done annually in preparation for the cows going out to graze. Its so important to keep the water clean and fresh for the cows #hardwork #cleanwater #happycows
EASTER IS COMING! We are have some exciting treats in store for you this Easter weekend but to get you in the mood the coffee cabin is filled with Easter decorations and we have CREME EGG flavour at the milkbot vending machine bromyard next to Legges delicatessen #easter #spring
Easter treats! If you go down to the vending machine today you will find a little surprise. in some of our milk bottles in Bromyard and at our coffee cabin they are hidden around outside. Start your Easter "egg" hunt today and see what you can find!
We are going to be at Bromyard Sunday Market tomorrow and we have a new product for you! Bags of fresh, hand picked, mixed salad leaves. A perfect accompaniment to our cow-lloumi cheese and great addition to your summer menu. Come and support your local food producers.
Taking the time to breath and just enjoy the moment. Appreciating the feeling that we have made it through the winter and have warmer days ahead of us #grasstomilk #organic #happycows
Our coffee cabin is the perfect weekend destination - beautiful views, fresh milk, cold milkshakes and home made treats. #supportlocal #organicfarming #organiccoffee
At nearly 18 years old our retired therapy cow needs to be treated with utmost care - to keep her comfortable in this hot weather she is in a lovely shady paddock and has a fly mask to protect her eyes from the flys. #happycow #sunshine #retirement
Cows grazing between the tree alleys - this field is divided into 10 paddocks - all separated by lines of trees. It's one of my favorite fields to graze! #weekendvibes #agroforestry #organicdairy
We have been very busy on the farm these last few weeks. We have been welcoming some fantastic schools and students to the farm to show them what we do. We have also started trimming all the cows feet :) #feet #cows #healthyfeetarehappyfeet
The sun has been shining and life at the farm has been busy - we have had some fantastic contracting teams here over the past two weeks silaging, baling, and slurry tanking. We could not run our farm without them. Thank you for making us smile! π
Come and celebrate with us - our beautiful and wise retired cow is 18 years old. To celebrate her birthday you will find some of our delicious chocolate "cowpat" cookies at our Coffee Cabin and Milkbot vending machine in Bromyard. Please take one and enjoy them!