Widlife Cancer Evolution Research Group (WiCanE)
Research group led by Dr. Mathieu Giraudeau and Dr. Orsolya Vincze studying cancer resistance mechanisms in wildlife using a multidisciplinary approach
ID: 1771086733834108930
https://wicane.recherche.univ-lr.fr/ 22-03-2024 08:10:35
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Interested in studying somatic evolution and cancer risk across species? Mathieu Giraudeau and I have a 2 year post doc opportunity to explore this area. See below for more details.

Welcome to Simon Mallet, our new PhD student!! He has been rewarded a CIFRE thesis in collaboration with Cell Environment on the study of DNA repair mechanisms in relation to cancer resistance in wildlife. AssoANRT UMR LIENSs Widlife Cancer Evolution Research Group (WiCanE)

Don’t miss Dr. Murchison’s webinar talk about “Horizonal gene transfer in transmissible cancer”! When? June 19 @ 2PM CEST How? Zoom link: cnrs.zoom.us/j/96821075911?… Dr. Murchinson’s webpage: tcg.vet.cam.ac.uk/directory/eliz… Widlife Cancer Evolution Research Group (WiCanE) UMR LIENSs

Check out our article in "The Conversation"!!!! Pourquoi les animaux de grande taille développent-ils moins de cancers ? theconversation.com/pourquoi-les-a… via The Conversation France Widlife Cancer Evolution Research Group (WiCanE) UMR LIENSs

[🐘 #Recherche dans les #médias] Pourquoi les animaux de grande taille développent ils moins de cancers ? Au UMR LIENSs, le groupe de recherche Widlife Cancer Evolution Research Group (WiCanE) nous éclaire 👉 theconversation.com/pourquoi-les-a… The Conversation France

Our manuscript "Life history traits and cancer prevalence in birds" has been accepted in Evolution, Medicine, and Public Health! Check it out here: doi.org/10.1093/emph/e…… UMR LIENSs CNRS 🌍 Widlife Cancer Evolution Research Group (WiCanE)

🐢 Really happy to share that our paper of ideas about the sea turtle Fibropapillomatosis is out in Frontiers in. 🌠 This study is part of my FEDER postdoctoral project with CHEVALLIER Damien and Mathieu Giraudeau doi.org/10.3389/fevo.2… #marineturtle #conservationecology #postdoc

New deadline: Sept. 15! 2 year post doc opportunity in comparative oncology, cancer resistance and somatic mutation rate with Alex Cagan and Mathieu Giraudeau Orsolya Vincze Widlife Cancer Evolution Research Group (WiCanE) more info here: euraxess.ec.europa.eu/jobs/228103 (UMR LIENSs CNRS Écologie & Environnement )

New 2-year post-doc opportunity on “cancer resistance in wild mammals” in between the Salamanca Cancer Research Center (Spain), the National Museum of Natural History (France) and the Wildlife Cancer Evolution research group (France). UMR LIENSs Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle

Les gros #animaux développent moins de #cancers que l’humain, alors qu’ils possèdent beaucoup de cellules, chacune pouvant évoluer en tumeur. Comment l'expliquer ? Par Crystal Morin, Louise Maille, Mathieu Giraudeau, Orsolya Vincze et Stève Desaivre, La Rochelle Université #biologie

Fun article about our ongoing adventures investigating somatic evolution across species Cambridge University cam.ac.uk/stories/dr-ale…