richard white
Professor @UniofOxford. We use zebrafish to study how cancer starts and spreads.
ID: 898925521 23-10-2012 01:53:45
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This is an important study about acral melnoma. It's a great example of why studying "rare x rare" (rare tumor, and each patient a bit different) illuminates broader principles of cancer. Congrats to the Hunter Shain team!
A truly spectacular thesis defense from Eleanor Johns today, describing her work on lipid droplets in #melanoma. The very best part of what we do as PIs is seeing how students grow, change and evolve. Congrats and many thanks to GSK Graduate School and co-mentor Mike Overholtzer.
Best perk of running a lab is propelling the next gen at all levels. This Summer we boosted Heman Bekele into the #Melanoma field by testing his Med Soap against #AcralMelanoma thanks to Melanoma Research connection. PLZ RT and make Heman a household name…
Mentorship really matters. Check out this @Time article about a student in Vito Rebecca 's lab named kid of the year!
My last GSK Graduate School student Sarah Perlee defending her Ph.D. with a tour de force of genetics and zebrafish. A perfect defense, joined by so many of her friends and family members!
RRG lab is recruiting grad students! Dr. Rachel Roberts-Galbraith is the BEST PI 🤗 Here’s a sneak peek of our totally real and not fabricated lab environment😉
So excited to share this enormous piece of work with you! Led by lacroix🅿️a🅿️i while he was here at Johns Hopkins BMB (he’s now an assistant professor Fox Chase Cancer Center ). A thread!!…
congrats Bowmaniacs !!
My department at Oxford is hiring - Assistant/Associate professor level positions at Ludwig Cancer Nuffield Department of Medicine. Broad interests in cancer cell plasticity, epigenetics, epitranscriptomics, microenvironment but all areas considered. Check out ad here:…
The Society For Melanoma Research meeting is coming up - New Orleans in October is a good place to be, with an excellent lineup of speakers. Registrations still available:
Dr. Monica M. Bertagnolli Dr. Monica M. Bertagnolli - could not agree more. We recently explored this exact topic University of Oxford - how do we balance basic versus translational science:…