Woodland Elementary
ID: 736269229868122112
27-05-2016 18:53:58
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Thank you to Chick-fil-A in Zephyrhills for supporting and welcoming our Wrangler Families back to school! East Pasco Chamber of Commerce ZephyrhillsFreePress Kimberly Poe Pasco County Schools

It’s Fall Ya’ll! Fall Apple Bar today for Wranglers! What a great way to kickoff the fall season at Woodland! Pasco County Schools Kimberly Poe

Congratulations Mrs. Osborne and Mr. Lester! Woodland’s SRP of the Year and Teacher of the Year! Awesome Wranglers and well deserved! Pasco County Schools Kimberly Poe

So proud of this Wrangler for being citizen of the month for the Zephyrhills Chamber! Abdiel exemplifies all the positive Wrangler traits! We are very proud of him! Thanks to Zephyrhills Chick-fil-A for hosting! Pasco County Schools Kimberly Poe East Pasco Chamber of Commerce

Please make sure to register at the link below, we are encouraging all of our incoming 6th graders to join us. forms.office.com/r/GDfvqQSNBi Centennial Elementary Woodland Elementary Kimberly Anderson

We still have some limited seats available for next school year, this application window ends April 19th at 4:30pm. Woodland Elementary New River Elementary Julie Marks Please share and pass this information along. To apply for next year visit: pasco.k12.fl.us/ed_choice

Woodland PTO hosted an All-American lunch for staff today! Happy Staff Appreciation Week! Pasco County Schools Kimberly Poe

Saying goodbye to our 5th grade Wranglers! Best of luck in middle school. #wranglerproud Kimberly Poe Pasco County Schools