Wes J Wilkinson
Tourism Professor at Algonquin College.
ID: 599674916
05-06-2012 00:13:27
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I am interested in researching Indigenous epistemologies and pedagogies in Canada with the goal of gaining government approval and recognition. Kevin MacLeod, PhD #summerED611

"Indigenous Writes, A guide to First Nations Metes & Inuit Issues in Canada by Chelsea Vowel, a must read for every Canadian. Vowel, C. (2016). Indigenous writes: A guide to First Nations, MĂ©tis, and Inuit issues in Canada. Portage & Main Press. Kevin MacLeod, PhD #SummerED611

(Part 1 of 2). In 2016, Algonquin College ran a Food Service worker program in partnership with Iohahiio Education & Training Center - it was delivered on-site with Indigenous teachers. 16 students registered - 15 graduated! Kevin MacLeod, PhD #SummerED611

Part 2 of 2 - In 2016 Algonquin College launched the first Indigenous Cooks Apprenticeship program. Indigenous professors/Indigenous curriculum. 16 registered 15 graduated. Indigenization of the Academy works! see link: algonquincollege.com/news/2016/05/1… Kevin MacLeod, PhD #SummerED611

Check out this great book on Pressbooks. opentextbc.ca/indigenization… via Pressbooks