There is no greater way to demonstrate who you are than through love and compassion.
The Muslim guy says, "This food is for the hungry; nobody needs to say Allah Hu Akbar."
What a fantastic method to demonstrate genuine kindness and generosity.
And show the world how
From harassing poor muslim vendors, sanghis have now gone international.
Look how uncomfortable Selena got the moment he told her to chant JSR.
She's lucky to be in America and not Uttar Pradesh otherwise she could have been lynched by these zombies. 🥺
"I ask Allah to make me better than the people think of me, and for Him to forgive me for what they do not know about me, and do not take me to account for what they say."
Abu Bakr RA
I asked a brother at the gym “how’s life?”
He said, “our life’s easy akh”
Simple response that zoned me out for a few seconds whilst I thought about those living under siege, famine, bombardment and loss.
Our bodies might be strong but our hearts are nowhere as pure as theirs
Never heard Oxfam condemn anything so strongly as they condemn Israel’s genocide of the Palestinian people…because it is a stain on humanity. The level of brutality is staggering!