MAdLand is a DFG-funded research consortium exploring the molecular mechanism behind the transition from water to land, from alga to land plant.
ID: 1265950408712871939
https://madland.science 28-05-2020 10:18:02
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You have a PhD in plant biology or agricultural science? And you have experience in microscopy, cell biology and molecular biology? Then we have a job offer in the DFG public | @[email protected] Emmy Noether Group “Functional Plant Structure” at Leibniz IPK. ➡️Read more: tinyurl.com/36fvfhe5

Only 3 days left to register for an oral or poster presentation at this year's Botanik-Tagung! Already over 350 contributions from all plant science disciplines.Join us for fantastic science,meet old+new friends,and enjoy the city of Halle German Society for Plant Sciences (DBG) botanik-tagung.de/abstracts/abst…

📢 Job Opportunity: Post-doctoral Research Associate/Assistant (m/f/d) position in Sebastian Schornack's Lab Sebastian Schornack in Cambridge. More info here: jobs.cam.ac.uk/job/46686/ Sainsbury Laboratory Cambridge University (SLCU) Cambridge University #plantsci

📢 Job Opportunities (!): Postdoc and PhD student positions announced in the recently funded CRC 1664 - Plant Proteoform Diversity, Speaker is MAdLand PI quintlab from Universität Halle, also involved: Leibniz Institute of Plant Biochemistry Halle, Leibniz IPK, UNIVERSITÄT LEIPZIG Learn more: snp2prot.uni-halle.de/positions #plantsci

Really nice commentary on our recent The Leverhulme Trust #iDAPT project glacier algal genome paper. Many thanks to the authors, mainly associated with the MadLand project I believe. Nice work Alex Bowles Bristol Glaciology Centre Geographical Sciences | University of Bristol nph.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.11….

#PlantSciJobs PostDoc Scientist wanted: Molecular plant physiology Universität Ulm, Germany, in Martin Stegmann’s lab Start: as soon as possible deutsche-botanische-gesellschaft.de/en/job-opening…

Our #Streptophyta Story throws light on Genetic Composition and Evolutionary Patterns at the dawn of successful terrestrialization of Land Plants: ow.ly/TxTP50SRVu1 Jan de Vries Iker Irisarri Sophie de Vries TatyanaDarienko MadLand European Research Council (ERC) IMPRS for Genome Science .. 1/5

🌱🌱 check out the amazing MAdLand poster series by Mona Schreiber @[email protected] in the Weihenstephaner Gardens of the HSWT in Freising TU München , more details here: hswt.de/news-list/deta…

🌱 Check the newly published paper ‘Phylogeny and evolution of streptophyte algae’ in Annals of Botany by Maaike Bierenbroodspot Maaike J. Bierenbroodspot and co-authors. 🧵(1/8) 👉 botany.fyi/2k7azi #Botany #Evolution #AoBpapers #Phylogeny #Algae

Join us later today at the poster session on Molecular Evolution of Plant Form and Function during #bt2024dbg at Uni-Infos Halle! Learn more about the exciting MAdLand projects presented by our new PhD students🌱🧪 tinyurl.com/52nu57em #plantsci #evolution

Deren from the group of Sophie de Vries talking about the influence of phenolic compounds on #cyanobacteria #symbiosis in #plants #bt2024dbg Uni-Infos Halle MadLand 🦠🔗🌱📷 #evolution #plantsci

Spontaneouse talk by Tim Rieseberg at #BT2024DBG about transition of plants from water to land