WanYee Lee (@wanyeelee) 's Twitter Profile
WanYee Lee


Antimicrobial Pharmacist 🦠💉, Cardiff and Vale University Health Board. All views are my own.

ID: 1303672592654569477

calendar_today09-09-2020 12:32:42

147 Tweet


116 Following

Cardiff and Vale University Health Board (@cv_uhb) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Did you know that antibiotics don't work for all infections? They’re only used to treat or prevent infections caused by bacteria. They don't work for viral infections, including colds and flu, and most coughs and sore throats.

Tom Wyllie (@pharmer_tom) 's Twitter Profile Photo

This week for our druggle in honour of #WorldAntimicrobialAwarenessWeek we focused on IV/PO switching - you can still do it for neonates! #WAAW #WAAW2023 I even persuaded some people to have their picture taken Cardiff & Vale Pharmacy/Fferyllfa Caerdydd a'r Fro Children and Women's Cardiff and Vale University Health Board

This week for our druggle in honour of #WorldAntimicrobialAwarenessWeek we focused on IV/PO switching - you can still do it for neonates! #WAAW #WAAW2023 I even persuaded some people to have their picture taken <a href="/CV_Pharmacy/">Cardiff & Vale Pharmacy/Fferyllfa Caerdydd a'r Fro</a> <a href="/cavcw/">Children and Women's</a> <a href="/CV_UHB/">Cardiff and Vale University Health Board</a>
Cardiff & Vale Pharmacy/Fferyllfa Caerdydd a'r Fro (@cv_pharmacy) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Antibiotic resistance is one of the biggest threats we face. We must act now to slow its spread – but how? Watch this video to find out. More info: phw.nhs.wales/antibiotic-res… #AMR #WAAW #AntibioticResistance

WanYee Lee (@wanyeelee) 's Twitter Profile Photo

CAV acute medics teaching today focusing on #IVOST and #WAAW2023 . Glad to hear feedback about how important and useful the talk has been and how this will help improve prescribing practices! 🦠💊💉#KeepAntibioticsWorking #AntimicrobialResistance Cardiff & Vale Pharmacy/Fferyllfa Caerdydd a'r Fro Cardiff and Vale University Health Board WAPG

CAV acute medics teaching today focusing on #IVOST and #WAAW2023 . Glad to hear feedback about how important and useful the talk has been and how this will help improve prescribing practices! 🦠💊💉#KeepAntibioticsWorking #AntimicrobialResistance <a href="/CV_Pharmacy/">Cardiff & Vale Pharmacy/Fferyllfa Caerdydd a'r Fro</a> <a href="/CV_UHB/">Cardiff and Vale University Health Board</a> <a href="/WelshAbx/">WAPG</a>
Avril Tucker (@avrilbiotic) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Welsh t-shirt on and a bag full of hand sanitiser & flags (🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿+🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿)! All set for a day in Cardiff Central train station Trafnidiaeth Cymru / Transport for Wales raising awareness of #animicrobialresistance and #infectionprevention. Come and see us if you are passing. #WAAW2023

Welsh t-shirt on and a bag full of hand sanitiser &amp; flags (🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿+🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿)! All set for a day in Cardiff Central train station <a href="/transport_wales/">Trafnidiaeth Cymru / Transport for Wales</a> raising awareness of #animicrobialresistance and #infectionprevention. Come and see us if you are passing. #WAAW2023
Cardiff & Vale Pharmacy/Fferyllfa Caerdydd a'r Fro (@cv_pharmacy) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Over the years, antibiotics have helped to treat a range of infections caused by bacteria. Can you imagine a world without them? Act now to slow down antibiotic resistance. More info: phw.nhs.wales/antibiotic-res… #AMR #WAAW #AntibioticResistance

Public Health Wales (@publichealthw) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Over the years, antibiotics have helped to treat a range of infections caused by bacteria. Can you imagine a world without them? Act now to slow down antibiotic resistance. More info: phw.nhs.wales/antibiotic-res… #AMR #WAAW #AntibioticResistance

Cardiff & Vale Pharmacy/Fferyllfa Caerdydd a'r Fro (@cv_pharmacy) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Antibiotics are a precious resource. Let’s treat them that way. Watch this video to find out how. More info: phw.nhs.wales/antibiotic-res… #AMR #WAAW #AntibioticResistance