Agriculture/వ్యవసాయం is a great work! support it. ⛅ कृषि / / खेती زراعت____விவசாயம்____ವ್ಯವಸಾಯ કૃષિ زراعة কৃষি. #iSupportAgriculture
ID: 704941553
http://www.facebook.com/vyavasayam 08-10-2013 12:38:27
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20 Following

Here is a super initiative. Kudos to the young man behind it, a #NextGen leader in the making. I’ve entered the #AgriculturePhotographyChallenge already, have you? If not still time and no excuse. cc. Masood Hussain Shaji Shrenik Rao ᴹᵉᵍʰᵐᵃˡᵃ【Girl Clicks Assam】 Dipankar Chakraborty Natasha Ramarathnam

My contribution to #AgriculturePhotographyChallenge . Thank you Dr Andrew Fleming 🇬🇧 🏴 Sir for letting me know about this.

నేపియర్ గడ్డి #AgriculturePhotographyChallenge napier grass Reddisaab रेड्डीसाब ప్రదేశం: శ్రీకాకుళం జిల్లా ఉద్దాన ప్రాంతం

Reddisaab रेड्डीसाब Will this do? #AgriculturePhotographyChallenge Sorry! You know how I have been

Happy Farmer's Day!!. Do like my page at facebook facebook.com/vyavasayam . Agriculture/వ్యవసాయం #KisanDiwas #KisanDivas #FarmersDay #HappyFarmersDay #IncredibleIndia #India #Vyavasayam #AgriculturePhotographyChallenge